Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 64 - Lost Abbey Show Redux, part 1

What? iTunes screwed up something? Impossible, you say? Well, it's true. We had part 1 and 2 of the Lost Abbey beer show in one post, but that apparently doesn't make nice with Apple. And since you've already had part 2 thrust upon you, here's part 1 posted afterward. Enjoy!

We lost the abbey but found the show, at least part 1 that you can download here.


#1. sickpuppy, 17 years and 10 months ago

Looks like you guys were reading all about ELVIS! Cheers!


#2. carne al fuoco - il piacere del barbecue, 17 years and 10 months ago

Hey! I like this topic, congratulations 4 the blog too!!

Beer+BBQ.. I'm curious.. tell me, what have u done for SUPER BOWL? TAILGATING?


carne al fuoco - tutto per il barbecue ricette foto community

#3. Father Spoon, 17 years and 10 months ago

you guys suck. I'm getting my butt kicked already in this poll.

yeah vote vote vote. god bless america.

We'll announce it officially after this weekend. Have some promo pics I wanna snap first. Voting will probably end March 9th so we have enough time to record and edit the video.

Once again, I hate you all.


P.S. i still like your show :)

#4. Beer Retard, 17 years and 9 months ago

Enjoyed this show, especially since I'm headed to SD next week. Our first stop off the plane is Liar's Club, which is like 4 blocks from our hotel. Can't wait.

Wondering if you could let me know about the best way to bring beer back on the plane. I know I have to check the bag, but what's the best way to go about packing it so it arrives in one piece? I'm hoping to take home a few bombers from AleSmith, Ballast Point, etc.


#5. Administrator, 17 years and 9 months ago

We try to bring either an extra suitcase or an extra big suitcase. You have to check the bags, so pack the beer as if you're going to ship it. The best way to pack it is individually, wrapped in Bubble Wrap. I also put it in a trash bag incase of breakage - AND then I put all of the that in a box so it won't get crushed. I highly recommend putting it in a bag just incase - you don't want beer soaking all your clothes.

#6. Rick's Cafe, 17 years and 7 months ago

One of the best programs around...even if I get to them a little late. Keep up the good brewing and the great blues.

Is it too late to enter the contest? ELVIS ELVIS ELVIS - could be a headliner still today.

#7. Administrator, 17 years and 7 months ago

Just a little late with this promo, but more coming soon... Thanks for listening!

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