Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years ago

Christmas Video from Beer Safari

Here it is, the long-awaited Christmas extravaganza. Screw wise men and camels, we're drinking beer! A little Holiday love from all your favorite beercasts...

Featuring the talents of:


#1. CAmes, 17 years ago

Great video, that's pretty cool. Although, whoever pulled the Good Beer Show guys outta that hat got screwed.

Where's Basic Brewing in all this?

#2. Administrator, 17 years ago

James of Basic Brewing Radio and Videos prefers to maintain his own branding and I agree with his reasons for doing so. Active-Voicing is his business and any controversy us bozo's might fall into could adversely affect his income. He is a consumate professional! Thanks for Commenting CAmes!

#3. Phil, 17 years ago

Trust me, it was a wise choice on his part not getting involved with knuckleheads like us.

#4. CAmes, 17 years ago

Much love to both paths. I was recently in NYC for couple meetings, but could not find Brooklyn ChocoStout anywhere. I did have their Christmas beer, which was bad.

#5. CAmes, 17 years ago

Correction, WAS NOT bad.

#6. Administrator, 17 years ago

I was wondering about that! Glad to hear the Christmas beer was NOT bad. Thanks for posting the correction. A lot of Brooklyn's beer is pablum for the masses but they do have a couple of beers that really shine. Interesting back story on the brewery too, it's worth reading up on.

#7. CAmes, 17 years ago

I read about their brewer. Seems like a pretty inspirational guy. I also had their lager... Meh, it was a lager.

In other news, Ike Turner passed away yesterday:

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