Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years ago

Show 100 - The Barleywine Show

This is it, show 100. Not too much fanfare, but we do celebrate with some high-powered, delicious barleywine. Join us as we explore the subtle, tender nuances of barleywines, only to have them get us drunk and take advantage of us. We also flash back to Episode 1, have a few kind words from our brethren beercasters, and play some fine blues. Beer Haiku, Beer News and all the usual stuff, too.

Download this show and listen to it 100 times here.


#1. Sam, 17 years ago

It's called a Re-iterated Mash when you divide the grain bill in half and mash twice with the same wort. Also you can reduce your boil time because you won't have to evaporate as much wort.

#2. Administrator, 17 years ago

Thanks Sam, I was having a hard time remembering the term. I've since re-read the article.

As a follow up, I did the reiterated mash today and only came out with 1.090 - when I was minimally expecting 1.100. Once again explaining why I don't like taking gravity readings! I had to supplement with DME and I used some corn sugar to try and dry it out. I'll follow up with the OG once I chill the wort down.

Followup - the OG was just shy of 1.100 after adding 1.5# of DME and 6 oz of corn sugar I had from «back in the day» when I bottle conditioned. This is a big ole barleywine! After pitching the yeast from an 8L starter, it was rocking the next morning and fermented violently for 24 hours. It's gently bubbling away right now on the 2nd morning. I'm very interested to see if the final gravity will get low enough or if I'm going to have to pitch more yeast.

#3. Phil, 17 years ago

Congratulations on your 100th show, dudes! I look forward to listening to this tomorrow morning. Nothing gets me through a bad case of «The Monday's» like Big Foamy Head.

More later . . .

#4. Phil, 17 years ago

Damn, if I drank as many Barley Wines as you guys did in that span I'd be arse-holed. How come no one other than Dick was slurring? I guess any beer show celebrating it's 100th episode has some drinking experience under their belt. I loved when Rick finally says «I think we should do Barley Wine on every show.» Must have been great!!

I am so excited that both Mike and Rick made Grandma's gravy!!! I think she's smiling down on us today, knowing that we're still enjoying her sauce. Man, that just brought a bit of wetness to my eyes. First time I've almost cried on Big Foamy Head. Thanks for mentioning that. Grandma Marsala on Big Foamy Head. I love it. I can't wait to hear your food pairing at Ciao Bella.

So the clip you played from the first show was just too funny. Maybe the first time an American from German descent corrects your pronunciation of «Hefeweizen» from the right way, to the wrong way (Hefe-weezen). That was hilarious. Thumbs up!

Sad story Martin told, having gotten one of those «Dear John» letters while he was in the service. That sucks. I thought that only happened in the movies. :-)

Good luck with the Barley Wine, Rick. That's a big project. Let us know how it comes out. I've never attempted or even thought of attempting a big beer like that.

Congratulations on 100 shows, guys. Cannot wait for more Big Foamy Head.

#5. Rick Sellers, 17 years ago

Guys, that show was just a fun time. Wow. Thanks for the nice plug too.

Congrats on 100 shows - that's impressive.

#6. Martin, 17 years ago

Thanks for the empathy towards my «Dear John» letter. Have you got any plans for this weekend big-guy? 😉

#7. Phil, 17 years ago

Hey Martin,

This weekend is my wife's birthday, so I'm throwing a dinner party for her and her girlfriends - cooking all her favorites.

When I wake up on Sunday from my Henfest-induced coma, I'll be making some chicken wings, sandwiches, and watching the game in my quiet house. 😀

How about you?

#8. Mike, 17 years ago

More Barley Wine all the time !! I just had a Barley Wine last night, it was an Andy Gator from Abita Springs right here in New Orleans. I will say the 100th was a fun one and I really appreciate all twelve listeners that listen to our show. I know we will continue to «put out» more and more. It is a labor of love. Hot Monkey Love !!


#9. Kelly, 17 years ago

Hey yall, I just discovered podcast and homebrewing recently and was happy to find your show. I was born and raised in the M town and moved away 11 years ago to Reno NV. I really like your show. It reminds me of home and your talking my favortite subjects, Beer and BBQ. The blues are great too. Keep up the good work and congrats on your 100th. Im looking forward to more. Looks like the Good Beer scene in Memphis has progressed alot in 11yrs. Living the Beechwood Rebelion in Reno Nevada. Kelly Gunter

#10. Administrator, 17 years ago

Hey Kelly! Thanks for listening and I hope we continue to entertain! We really have fun doing these shows. It's always great to have new listeners and please continue to comment - that's always appreciated!

#11. Martin, 17 years ago

Thanks for the menu. About what time do you want me to drop in? Just as a reminder -- I get the hives when I eat chicken, beef, turkey, and fish, otherwise everything else sounds good!!!

#12. Mike, 16 years and 11 months ago

Kelly, thanks for listening and good luck with the home brewing. I just bottled an Octoberfest over the weekend and a week ago I got a Perry (Pear Cider) into the fermenter. It is bubbling nicely right now.


p.s. bet $5 on the black for me.

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