Show 128 - Back to Beer Show
Back to beer. We start this show with Avery Brewing Companies Brabant. A very nice sour ale aged in Mephistopheles Wine Barrels from Norman Vineyards. It's Avery's first barrel aged beer in what will hopefully be a long line of beers to come.
Then we follow up with some nice German beers - Weltenburger Kloster Barock Dunkel, Weltenburger Kloster Asam Bock and Schwanenbrau Das Schwarze. Mike cracks open a homebrewed Three Hearted Ale (Northern Brewer kit), followed by a Sam Adams Imperial Wit.
Music by the late Willie King, Alabama blues man.
Class and culture includes a book review of The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx and Beer Haiku.
Link to audio here.

1 comment
#1. Phil, 15 years and 10 months ago
Hey guys. Finally getting a chance to catch up on your show. I found time to brew this weekened, so I listened to this show on my iPod as I made my IPA - a first for me.
The Brabant sounds fantastic. Rick was kind enough to send members of the Beer Safari a bottle of it. I have not had it yet, but after hearing you guys rave about it, I think it might be time. Avery can literally do no wrong. I know sometimes you can over-funk these beers, so it's good to hear this one wasn't over the top.
Complain all you like about how much email Mike forwards, but the man has found a few gems for me. That commercial for the «Wonder Boner» made for an excellent intro for my show. It fit the bill perfectly.
Hey Rick, regarding «Steaks and Blow Jobs Day» -- best man holiday ever invented, hands down. I talked about it ad nauseum the entire weekend. In the end, I think this should actually become a Nationally celebrated holiday.
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