Show 156 - Palate Wrecker
Why on earth, you might ask, would you want to wreck your palate. Much like climbing Mt Everest, in the immortal words of George Mallory - «Because it was there!» Actually we had a much better and more hedonistic reason - because it was darned tasty!! We are of course talking about Green Flashes «Palate Wrecker - Hamiltons Ale».
Beers sampled and discussed on the show...
Stone «Ruination»
Green Flash «Hop Head Red»
Green Flash «Palate Wrecker»
Tom Petty «You Wreck Me»
Life in Nashvegas - CMA's, Bonaroo - other things Dick did not attend, but had to deal with traffic issues.
YouTube'ing the 80's - a great way to kill 3 hours!
Bowie and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is 40 YEARS OLD.
Literal Versions of the songs.
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version *ORIGINAL*
The Queens Jubilee - Sir Paul (with Rusty Anderson) and other entertainers, old but still bringing it.
Outtro Song - Grace Potter, Joe Satriani, Steve Kimock, Reed Mathis, Willy Waldman and Stephen Perkins cover Cortez the Killer at the Jammy's.
Pop a cold one, sit back and relax - enjoy some beers and Music with the fine hosts of BigFoamyHead!
Listen here!

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