Show 157 - Lips of Brett [61:29m]:
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We drink a brett beer that may or may not be half assed. Depends on what you are looking for and whether you are all about the Styles. We're talking about the collaboration between New Belgium and Lost Abbey called Brett Beer that takes a beating on the beer boards. We give you the straight poop on whether its poop or not. Segue to a discussion of the Arc Angels, a great Texas rock group you may never have heard of, and a hint about earlier musical collaborations. We catch up on the latest beer events around towns including bicycle beers and drunk running.
We bring Ziggy Stardust back up with a special, rarely heard recording of a tour rehearsal featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn. Right before he quit the... collaboration. See a pattern here?
And here is
the link to that amazing session with Stevie Ray Vaughn and David Bowie in Dallas
Then we get a little darker with some old homebrew Rick found in the back of the fridge from our friends at The Beer Report.
Listen up kiddies, its good stuff.
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