Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 8 months ago

Show 36 - The New Belgium Beer Show

We are late getting this out but its worth the wait. Great beers from New Belgium, Susan Beerbabe challenges us to suck on wasabi peas, reasons to use Listerine, and the street band from Beale Street - the Juke Joint All Stars.

New Belgium Brewery Beers we enjoyed during this show...

last, and most certainly least...

Willingham's World Champion Bar-B-Que

Roll Your Own Sushi Party Pics!

Last of the Mississippi Juke Joints

Download this show with a manly swirl here >>


#1. Administrator, 18 years and 8 months ago

The show was cut short at 21 minutes. Is there more?


#2. sickpuppy, 18 years and 8 months ago

Ouch! Only half a show? It cuts off right after the dice game discussion!

#3. Administrator, 18 years and 8 months ago

Ah, much better. The show is just over an hour. I don't know how to coerce iTunes to download it again if you have the short version, but you can always download it directly from the site or use the new streaming version. This is one of our better long rambling shows. Lots of crunching noises too! :)

#4. sickpuppy, 18 years and 8 months ago

Thanks! Love the streaming version, very cool.

#5. Groucho, 18 years and 8 months ago

How can you post the show description without mentioning that Susan was on??? I certainly would have tuned in sooner!

Fat Tire doesn't make it across the border to Illinois unless its smuggled. Its an «easy drinker». Glad to hear they have other decent offerings as well.

#6. Administrator, 18 years and 8 months ago

Groucho, we rely on Susan to promote her own appearances on the podcast!

It's worth trying the other offerings from New Belgium - the only one I've heard mentioned in the past was Fat Tire, so I was surprised to see such a large selection.

Thanks for the listen!

#7. Susan, 18 years and 8 months ago

whoo hoo! I didn't even tell Groucho to say that!! They like me, they really like me!

I make a motion that you change the show desription to mention my appearance!

#8. Groucho, 18 years and 8 months ago

I second Beer Babe's motion...

#9. Administrator, 18 years and 8 months ago

Okay, done. See how easy we are?

#10. Administrator, 18 years and 8 months ago

Okay, I have to plug «Should I Drink That?» They have a HUGE video download that is just amazing. They're filtering Rebel Yell Whiskey and slamming beers. Well worth the watch!


#11. BuBBy, 18 years and 8 months ago

You guys need to increase the volume on Susan's mike a little. Sometimes hard to hear her when I'm in the car.

Other than that another great show! I'll have to dig around to see if anyone in these parts carries New Belgium.

#12. sickpuppy, 18 years and 8 months ago

Thanks for the plug Rick! We had a blast filming that! The Grey Kangaroo is a lifesaver!!

#13. jakob, 18 years and 6 months ago

Nice show. A small correction: the talk about red light districts in belgium is kind of misplaced. the infamous redlight sistrict in the Benelux area is situated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and not in Belgium. Funny enough there is one (and just one) Trapist monestery situated outside Belgium: La Trappe in .. The netherlands:
thanks for a good show. You guys rock.

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