Show 44 - Mendocino Beer Show
Join us as we enjoy some vinegar cayenne pepper sauce, great beers from the left coast and expose you to some class and culture. On tap are movie recommendations, a restaurant review, dead week celebrations and a bit of brilliant acting in a segment called «Master Beer Theater!» Music from Steven Segal, Elmore James, Paul Carrack and the North Mississippi All Stars. Friend of show Kenny joins us and tells us about his journey to the belly of the beast and other adventures.
Beers we sampled during the show...
- AleSmith Speedway Stout
- Mendicino Brewing Co. Red Tail Ale
- Mendicino Brewing Co. Blue Heron Pale Ale
- Mendicino Brewing Co. Black Hawk Stout
Silver Pig Style Hot Table Sauce
Download or stream this bit of culture here.

#1. DP, 18 years and 5 months ago
Great show! Proves that beer drinkers have some class and couth too.
#2. Clarke, 18 years and 5 months ago
I love «Masterpiece Chili Theater.» Excellent synopsis.
Sounds like you had some decent beers. I've had the Redtail Ale a few times and enjoyed it.
Actors should be actors, and singers should be singers. Few can do both well. There are way too many who fail (William Shatner, Jennifer Lopez, David Hasselhoff . . . I could go on forever). It's noise pollution.
#3. Administrator, 18 years and 5 months ago
Hey! What are you saying cLarKe!? Perhaps we should leave the acting for the actors? We were totally losing it trying to record that. Oh, never mind... I just realized you were referring to Steven Segal!!
Thanks for the note!
#4. Jamie, 18 years and 5 months ago
Great show guys - keep up the good work.
FYI, the lack of carbonation on the Speedway was most likely due to the coffee; the oils are notorious head killers, and many aren't sucessful in countering its effect.
#5. David, 18 years and 5 months ago
Man, you boys got yourselves a show!
Great fun this lonely homebrew nebie expat living in Manila and awaiting the birth of his third batch - a Mac & Jack clone.
Full glasses!
#6. Rick, 18 years and 5 months ago
Hey, I thought Steven Segal found his calling in life after hearing that. Not a great calling, but more enjoyable to my beer-brain than... oh... all of his movies. Great show again.
Mendo has a pretty fantastic Barley Wine (Talon) that is sometimes available on cask in NorCal. Yummy. The Red Tail Lager is also a more-than-decent brew.
Don't be afraid to tell us what you think about BBQ from other places either, I found that to be highly entertaining.
#7. Father Spoon, 18 years and 5 months ago
you like the TALON! WTF! i think i just threw up in my mouth.
#8. CAmes, 18 years and 5 months ago
Please keep up the shows. Y'all have become one of my favorite and most anticipated podcasts. Hilarious.
#9. Administrator, 18 years and 5 months ago
David, thanks for the note. I'm personally jazzed to know someone in Manila is listening to the show. Hope your Mac & Jack clone is awesome. I love homebrewing. Cheers!
Rick, I think Steven Segal's music is better then his acting. Which isn't saying much, but the music is good. I look forward to listening to you at
#10. Rick, 18 years and 5 months ago
Father Spoon - Yeah, I did like the Talon, thank you very much. It isn't a BigFoot, mind you, but I am happy to have 5 or 6 still aging away. A good, mild, barley wine that is good at around 55 degrees with a bit of blue cheese and fresh bread. Sorry about your throwing up in your mouth though, sure that wasn't fun.
#11. Father Spoon, 18 years and 5 months ago
I think I just did it again.
Only thing going for it was that at a local sampling from the brewery the rep was a stripper.
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