Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 7 months ago

Show 133 - Audio Extra: Koko Taylor

icon for podpress  Audio Extra: Koko Taylor [32:24m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

The blues world lost one of its greats this past June, Koko Taylor. She was born in Shelby County, just outside of Memphis, eighty years ago, and spent the majority of that time on earth singing the blues in a distinctive style. She inspired many artists, male and female alike, and received countless awards. Take a little time and get to know Koko if you don't know her, and celebrate her life and legacy if you do.
Download this tribute here.

By admin, 15 years and 7 months ago

Show 132 - Abita Beer Show

icon for podpress  Show 132 - The Abita Beer Show [80:22m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Purple Haze
  • Pecan Harvest
  • Jacomo IPA
  • TurboDog
  • Abbey Ale
  • Andygator

Abita beer is one of the Souths oldest and best breweries. Join us as we discuss some of the offerings and interview the head brewer Mark Wilson.

Our shoot the breeze round-table topics include:
Music break - Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues
Joaquin Pheonix and weird actors
Celebrity sighting - Tori Spelling eating sushi without beer.
Italian Fest recap - Larry Raspberry & the Highsteppers, Starship starring Mickey Thomas
80's big hair movie - Mannequin
Music break - Snoop Dogg
Beer Haiku - yes we forgot the music again.
Closing music - Johnny Cash Cocaine Blues

Click here!

By admin, 15 years and 8 months ago

Show 131 - Smaltz Brewing Coney Island Freak Show NSFW

icon for podpress  Show 131 - Coney Island Series [49:13m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Coney Island Lager 6%
  • Sword Swallower - 6.8%
  • Albino Python - 6%
  • Human Blockhead - 8.8% to 10%

Our post Memphis in May Beale Street Music Festival show. We talk about the acts we saw during 3 rain drenched days "down by the river" at Tom Lee Park. Some of the acts we saw - Steve Miller Band, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, Snoop Dogg, Elvis Costello, Shine Down along with some great blues acts - Tommy Castro, Guitar Shorty, John Mayall and the Blues Breakers, Richard Johnston and many others.

We also fire up the BBQ and have a meat fest - Thick Pork Chop sandwiches, Kielbasa and cheese plates, Chicken in white barbecue sauce and lots of slabs of ribs.

Join the debauchery by clicking here!

This show is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. The music is unedited and uncut.

By admin, 15 years and 8 months ago

Show 130 - High Octane Beer

icon for podpress  Show 130 - High Octane Beer [48:02m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Homebrew Maibock
  • Unibroue La Terrible
  • Dogfish Head 120
  • Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
  • Alaskan Brewing Company 2007 Smoked Porter

This show is soooooo epic ("how epic is it?") - it took two days to record. Dick, Mike and John start off discussing a few preshow beverages - Mikes Homebrewed Maibock and a Unibroue La Terrible at 10.5%.

The first beer is one of the most intense beers brewed today - the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA at 18%-20% ABV! This bitter sweet beverage has a long history with us at!

The second segment starts with a Dogfish Head World Wide Stout at 18%. At this point the high octane takes it's toll on your intrepid podcasters and the third segment was lost. Play a dirge for the lost audio... actually, it's usually better when we lose these later segments.

Rick recovers from his hangover and joins live in the "new and improved" third segment. Where we enjoy another classic - the 2007 Alaskan Smoked Porter. Preshow beers include Boulder Brewing Company's Hazed and Infused, Mikes Dry Stout homebrew and a Clarkehead Black Cat Stout.

Conversation topics range from lawsuits (Rick Pitino, Louisville Basketball) to the Hamdemic - the swine flu hits the midsouth!

Music by Albert Cummins, Lord T and Eloise.

Get the lead out by clicking here!

By admin, 15 years and 9 months ago

Show 129 - Brew Dog Show

icon for podpress  The Brew Dog Beer Show [45:30m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Homebrew Milk Stout
  • Brew Dog RipTide Stout
  • Brew Dog Punk IPA
  • Brew Dog Storm IPA

Remember the Chris Farley Show interviews on Saturday Night Live? Remember those? Those were awesome. Remember when we interviewed James Watt at the GABF World Brewers Forum? Remember that? That was awesome.

We are reliving that moment by enjoying some awesome Brew Dog beers. Dick and Mike warm up with a home Brewed Milk Stout then get swept away by a RipTide twisted merciless stout. Rick starts with a bomber of Punk IPA, a post modern classic pale ale, then is caught in a Storm - a very unique Islay Whisky Cask Aged IPA.

Add some music from Tommy Castro, a tax related Beer Haiku and you have an episode of BigFoamyHead.

Click here to hear a taste of Scotland!

By admin, 15 years and 10 months ago

We're Moving!

If things don't quite work right, its because we're in the process of moving. Bear with us, should be done soon. Unless we start drinking...

By admin, 15 years and 10 months ago

Show 128 - Back to Beer Show

Back to beer. We start this show with Avery Brewing Companies Brabant. A very nice sour ale aged in Mephistopheles Wine Barrels from Norman Vineyards. It's Avery's first barrel aged beer in what will hopefully be a long line of beers to come.

Then we follow up with some nice German beers - Weltenburger Kloster Barock Dunkel, Weltenburger Kloster Asam Bock and Schwanenbrau Das Schwarze. Mike cracks open a homebrewed Three Hearted Ale (Northern Brewer kit), followed by a Sam Adams Imperial Wit.

Music by the late Willie King, Alabama blues man.

Class and culture includes a book review of The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx and Beer Haiku.

Link to audio here.

icon for podpress  Back to Beer Show [80:03m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

By admin, 16 years ago

Show 127 - The Kettle House Brewing Beer Show

We take a trip to Missoula Montana this show with two 16 ounce cans of craft beer from Kettle House Brewing Company provided by friend of show Mitch!  Thanks Mitch.

We give a shout out to our friends at the who are approaching their 50th show - congratulations Groucho, CHUD, AB, Margaret and the rarely heard but ever present Homeless Hoopmaster.

Music this show is from Blind Mississippi Morris.

Beers we sampled:

  • Kettle House Brewing Company Cold Smoke Scotch Ale
  • Kettle House Brewing Company Double Haul IPA

Cast your lines and listen here.

icon for podpress  Big Foamy Head Show 127 [37:59m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

By admin, 16 years ago

Show 126 - Historic Ales of Scotland

Dust off your bag pipes and your kilt with your family tartan.  We're heading to Scotland... well, we're drinking Scottish Ales made with Spruce Tips, Gooseberries, Heather and the ever popular Bog Myrtle.  Just in time for the end of the hop shortage scare of 2008.

We have a new segment called «Buy That Man a Beer.»  Our first honoree is Capt Sullenberger.  We were given early access to the black box recording, so you don't want to miss this!

In the second segment Rick recounts his lost interviews from the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival in Vail Colorado. 

  • Eric Wallace of Longmont's Left Hand Brewing Co., the vice president of the Colorado Brewers' Guild board Save Colorado Craft Beer
  • Darrell Jensen, Executive Chef, Centre V Brasserie, The Arabelle at Vail Square - Brew Masters Dinner.
  • Bill Lodge, Laura Lodge.  Event Coordinators.
  • Julia Herz Brewers Association Director of Craft Beer Program - Beer Cheese pairing session.  Avery Brewing, Duvall USA, Dogfish Head, Pagosa Springs, Cambridge Brewing

It's a long way to the top (If you wanna rock-n-roll) - music this show includes AC/DC, Dave Gross and Albannach.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Grozet
  • Alba
  • Fraoch
  • Ebulum

Audio link here.

icon for podpress  Historic Ales of Scotland [21:22m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

By admin, 16 years and 1 month ago

Show 125 - Mikkeller Beer Show

We get to sample some really great beers this show from a very talented Danish Brewer.  Mikkel Borg Bjergsø is running Mikkeller as a one man operation. Mikkel is a «gipsy-brewer» - he rents into breweries, brewing in Denmark, around Europe and the United States.

We also recorded the Christmas Beer Tasting from the KROC annual party.  Scott Jackson did a great job presenting the beers - post here.

Dave Browns pictures from a German Brewery - post here.

Beers we sampled this show...

- Jackie Brown
- Struise Mikkeller (Elliot Brew)
- All Others Pale Ale
- Stateside IPA
- Big Worse Barleywine
- Some anonymous mead we're pretty sure was Mikes Purple Panty Dropper.

Music by James Hunter, The White Stripes and many other samples in the beer-music pairings.

Technical difficulties and issues abound in this offbeat disjointed venture to Denmark, but by the power of editing out huge chunks and several redo's we pulled it off!

Tongue tied and addled audio is here.

icon for podpress  Mikkeller Beer Show [49:10m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

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