Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 4 months ago

Audio Extra - Beer News

He's Back! Finally we catch up to world traveler and boulevardier Rick Lyke to get the global roundup of what's happening in the world of beer. Braving the weather, Rick fills us in on what's going on. Enjoy catching up with us.

Download this late breaking news segment here.


#1. CAmes, 17 years and 4 months ago

Hey Folks, let's nominate BFH in the Food & Drink category at the Podcast Awards.

#2. Administrator, 17 years and 4 months ago

I agree! I nominated us. Please do the same and we'll pimp us to the top. Thanks CAmes!

#3. CAmes, 17 years and 4 months ago

Rick, caught your brief appearance on the latest Basic Brewing Video. Looked like a helluva night.

#4. Mike Bond, 17 years and 3 months ago

Where do I sign ?


#5. Clarke, 17 years and 3 months ago

Done. Good luck, dudes!


#6. Administrator, 17 years and 3 months ago

CAmes, it was a hell of a night!! It was really great hanging out with James, Steve and Andy - they are as nice in person as they appear to be on the show. It was a very good time.

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