Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 12 years and 9 months ago

Show 154 - The Deviant Show

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deviantdalesIt took a beer this good to drag our asses out of retirement and produce a NSFW show. Join us as we sample Deviant Dale, an imperial version of Dale's Pale Ale. Oskar Blues hit a home run with this one. It's an 8% tallboy can that will leave you smiling. Great nose, great taste, and an extra large serving. Modus Hoperandi from Ska Brewing makes an appearance as well and Rick elaborates. On the other hand, we have a drain pour beer called Ass Kisser Double IPA on this show as well. Truly disgusting, and we call it that way. Musical entertainment this show features a trip down the psycobilly highway with some rocking music from SuperSuckers and Nashville Pussy. That's their name, don't wear it out. We also offer a feeble excuse on why we haven't produced shows for a year. Will this be a last gasp? Or will we resurrect ourselves? Listen up and let us know what you think.

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