Show 160 - Beer Death March

Listen up to this hop-soaked show and judge for yourself.
Why on earth, you might ask, would you want to wreck your palate. Much like climbing Mt Everest, in the immortal words of George Mallory - «Because it was there!» Actually we had a much better and more hedonistic reason - because it was darned tasty!! We are of course talking about Green Flashes «Palate Wrecker - Hamiltons Ale».
Beers sampled and discussed on the show...
Stone «Ruination»
Green Flash «Hop Head Red»
Green Flash «Palate Wrecker»
Tom Petty «You Wreck Me»
Life in Nashvegas - CMA's, Bonaroo - other things Dick did not attend, but had to deal with traffic issues.
YouTube'ing the 80's - a great way to kill 3 hours!
Bowie and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is 40 YEARS OLD.
Literal Versions of the songs.
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version *ORIGINAL*
The Queens Jubilee - Sir Paul (with Rusty Anderson) and other entertainers, old but still bringing it.
Outtro Song - Grace Potter, Joe Satriani, Steve Kimock, Reed Mathis, Willy Waldman and Stephen Perkins cover Cortez the Killer at the Jammy's.
Pop a cold one, sit back and relax - enjoy some beers and Music with the fine hosts of BigFoamyHead!
Listen here!
Listen up and rise to the occasion.
In Memoriam:
Mike Paige from the Hop Barley and the Alers continues with the interview duties.
Mike Paige from the Hop Barley and the Alers continues with the interview duties.
Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines 2011 - Grimm Brothers Brewhouse!