Show 126 - Historic Ales of Scotland
Dust off your bag pipes and your kilt with your family tartan. We're heading to Scotland... well, we're drinking Scottish Ales made with Spruce Tips, Gooseberries, Heather and the ever popular Bog Myrtle. Just in time for the end of the hop shortage scare of 2008.
We have a new segment called «Buy That Man a Beer.» Our first honoree is Capt Sullenberger. We were given early access to the black box recording, so you don't want to miss this!
In the second segment Rick recounts his lost interviews from the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival in Vail Colorado.
- Eric Wallace of Longmont's Left Hand Brewing Co., the vice president of the Colorado Brewers' Guild board Save Colorado Craft Beer - Darrell Jensen, Executive Chef, Centre V Brasserie, The Arabelle at Vail Square - Brew Masters Dinner.
- Bill Lodge, Laura Lodge. Event Coordinators.
- Julia Herz Brewers Association Director of Craft Beer Program - Beer Cheese pairing session. Avery Brewing, Duvall USA, Dogfish Head, Pagosa Springs, Cambridge Brewing
It's a long way to the top (If you wanna rock-n-roll) - music this show includes AC/DC, Dave Gross and Albannach.
Beers we sampled this show...
- Grozet
- Alba
- Fraoch
- Ebulum
Audio link here.

#1. machiasman, 16 years ago
Sorry, nothing witty to add, just thanks for the show.
#2. Mike, 16 years ago
Thanks for listening.
#3. Phil, 16 years ago
Rick, I can't believe you lost your interviews. That is very unprofessional!
Sorry to hear about that, but at least you have a butt load of very strong beer to blame it on.
I love beers like gruits that use herbs instead of hops. Alaskan Brewing makes a winter ale that uses spruce tips instead of hops. It's a very sweet beer, really delicious. I love the history behind those beers (that they'd use spruce in the beer to prevent scurvy).
Awesome salute to Sully the pilot! That was great.
#4. admin, 16 years ago
I notice the media is just now getting the tower audio. BFH really scooped this story! We had the black box recording the weekend after the crash!
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