Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years ago

Show 89 - Dinner with the Brett Pack

This is our entry into the mass of GABF shows that have been out lately, but with a twist. We had a special dinner with some of the top brewers at a restaurant in Boulder the night before the Great American Beer Festival. We spent quality time with Sam Calagione from Dogfish Head, Rob Todd from Allagash, and Adam Avery from Avery Brewing and enjoyed a fantastic menu pairing their beers and some from Russian River and Port Brewing with a variety of foods. A great night and we are glad to share it with you. Enjoy!

Download this five-course show here. No tipping required.


#1. Phil, 17 years ago

Great episode, guys! Totally different from everything else I've heard and seen from the GABF, and what surrounded it. The dinner sounds like it was a food/beer pairing paradise. Man, I got hungry listening to that. Imagine the planning and preparation that must go into something like that.

As good as the meal was, the interviews were definitely the best part. Awesome job with both Sam and Rob. I love their outlook on brewing, and beer in general. You asked all the right questions too, and did a great job just letting them talk. Very engaging.

The quote from Sam about why world-class beer is more approachable than world-class wine was so spot on. «To buy the world's best wines you have to be a millionaire, if not a billionaire. To buy the world's best beers, you only need $10.» That is exactly right, and it's why I don't flinch at a $15-20 price tag on special releases, because I know the same quality wine would be 10 times that amount in most cases.

Rick, I can't believe you asked Rob if he thought Vinnie's wife was hot. That was so funny. He's like «Uhh . . . no comment. I don't want Vinnie kicking my ass the next time I see him.» That was awesome!

Thanks for posting this show. It's definitely something very special, that not everyone got a chance to read or hear about. Wish I could have been there with you.


#2. Phil, 17 years ago

One more thing. Allagash did medal twice at the GABF, both times a Bronze - once for Victor, and once for Four.

Category: 11 Experimental Beer (Lager or Ale) - 34 Entries
Bronze: Victor, Allagash Brewing Co., Portland, ME

Category: 61 Belgian Style Abbey Ale - 55 Entries
Bronze: Four, Allagash Brewing Co., Portland, ME

And Dogfish Head also took home some hardware, winning a Silver for Midas Touch.

Category: 9 Specialty Honey Lager or Ale - 39 Entries
Silver: Midas Touch, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, DE

#3. Administrator, 17 years ago

Thanks for commenting. It was an evening you would have loved. The food just melted in your mouth. The pacing and the beer presentations were entertaining, funny and informative. Sometimes I wince at the stuff that comes out of my mouth... particularly regarding Vinnies wife. Regarding the price of beer - it's definitely a good value. I like the comment that the brewing industry is 95% asshole-free. I've really found that to be very true. It's a bunch of unpretentious artisans. Thanks for listening!

#4. sickpuppy, 17 years ago

GREAT episode guys, felt like I was there! That dinner sounded incredible!

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