Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years and 5 months ago

Show 93 - Beer Scavenger Hunt

We play a game in this episode called Beer Scavenger Hunt. Simple rules, go find a beer made of beer. Duh. We do come back with some nice beers and some nice tunes from Joe Bonamassa, Allman Bros. and more. We take a turn for the educational, much to Martin's dismay, and discuss the burning question: what is a Jelly Roll? Beer Haiku, Beer News and a new segment called Errata and Corrections! Listen up...

Beers swilled on this show:

Rogue Dead Guy
Bad Elf
North Coast Pranqster
Mikes Imperial Stout

Download this show here if you can find it. Hint: its under the link.


#1. Phil, 16 years and 5 months ago

Fun stuff, guys! I don't know how you manage to put out this many shows, with this kind of frequency, and as GOOD as they are. Each one seems to be getting better and better.

This was maybe the easiest scavenger hunt I've ever been involved in. I had no problem! Went to the beer cellar and there it was. Man did you guys bust Martin's balls on this show or what? The poor bastard.

I'm so glad to see more beer news on your show. I've made no secret how much I dig that segment. The intro is awesome, the news is awesome, and it so fits as a regular part of Big Foamy Head.

I've heard a lot about the Bad Elf this year and finally had it myself this past weekend. I think I liked it more than you guys did. English beer has never fallen out of favor with me, and this proves it. They know what they're doing out there.

Man, did that bit on Dude Night make me laugh. «Don't let this happen to you.» Touche, Dick. I may have to pull clips of this show if we ever do end our «hiatus».

#2. Martin, 16 years and 5 months ago

My Balls are fine. Everyone on the show is jealous of 'em. Thanks for sticking up for me! When you are ready to do your show, let me know. I won't have a second thought about dumping this current gig!! :-)

#3. Sam, 16 years and 4 months ago

Thanks for the mention about Dixie Beer. For the home brewers out there I'll try to dig up the recipe for Blackened Voodoo.

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