Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years and 8 months ago

Show 107 - Hopped Up Beer Show

We have multiple oh sh*t moments in this show. Leading off with a near alcohol abuse moment, we continue to spiral downward. Luckily the beers don't. With some great hopped up offerings we smack up our taste buds.

Beers sampled on this show:
Mojo Rising
Mike's IPA
Anderson Valley Imperial IPA
Nefarious Ten Pin

Get your hops on with this hopped up show here.

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#1. samsorrells, 16 years and 8 months ago

What's up with 21 days off? Keep up the good work.

#2. admin, 16 years and 8 months ago

Hey Sam,
Lots of work and health issues. We have 3 shows in the can, now just have to get off my ass and edit! We'll get back to work, I promise.

#3. Phil, 16 years and 8 months ago

Great show dudes. Glad I can finally comment on this show too. That bottle breaking sounded scary! Damn, that really broke didn't it? The whole Memphis/Kansas conversation was timely, and seems like an eternity ago. Sorry you guys didn't make it past Kansas, but you had a great season! And getting this far will bring nothing but more athletes to your school. It just did wonders for the future of your school's program.

I'm sorry, but I geeked the HELL OUT when you guys got into your IBU discussion. You guys said everything right. Anything over 100 or so is almost undistinguishable. When you've got numbers that high, how can you possibly tell? Just like what Dick brought up about scoville units. Once your mouth is on fire from a Habanero, are you really going to be able to tell that the TepĂ­n pepper that you just ate is actually hotter? Doubtful.

The Haiku was brilliant. Basketball Jones!!! I gotta a Basketball Jones. I love any and all Cheech & Chong references.

Glad you enjoyed the Anderson Valley Imperial IPA, Rick! I thought it had an incredible balance, and depth. And thanks for the love (as always) you guys.

Let's go - MORE Big Foamy Head! Can't wait to hear the new shows. And hope you're feeling better!

#4. Kirk, 16 years and 8 months ago

I am finally able to leave a message, but because I had to log in I forgot what I wanted to say. Damn maibocks erase everything.
Take care,

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