Show 113 - THE END IS NEAR... so lets drink a beer!
WARNING: Not Safe For Work (NSFW) due to explicit language. Send the kiddies out of the room.
BigFoamyHead goes emo and adds to the national hysteria. If you watch CNN, even casually, you'll start to notice that the reporting is formulaic - disaster and financial ruin, pretty much in that order. Can you hear the rythmic beating of hooves as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride on the Highway to Hell? Earthquakes, fire, famine, floods and pestilence are all at hand. We're flirtin with disaster, but we say crack a cold beer and watch it go up in flames! You may as well get a good buzz on the eve of destruction.
Beers sampled on this emo episode:
- Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout (8.3% ABV)
- Lagunitas Olde GnarlyWine (9.7% ABV)
- Steinhaus Fat Weasel (preshow beer) (7.1%)
- Baron's Black Wattle Superior
- Breckenridge Brewery 471 Small Batch Double IPA (9.2%)
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1 comment
#1. Phil, 16 years and 3 months ago
Wow, I can't believe you dudes can turn around a show this quickly. Awesome stuff! Dick, it was great to see you here. Sorry it was so short, and wish I could have hooked you up at a better drinking hole. Given the circumstances, it was still great to see you here.
For the record, there is no white collar prison. Any time you're in the can, you're in «pound me in the ass» prison. And you drank some FAT WEASEL! Awesome. That is one of my favorite beers from Trader Joe's (along with another one called Jumping Cow). I think Fat Weasel is a strong English Ale. It's got some pop, that's for sure. «The Weaze» (as my wife appropriately names it) has laid me out a few times.
Thanks for the review of The Happening. I had such high hopes for the Sham-Hammer after The Sixth Sense (I thought Unbreakable was pretty good, as was Signs) but his movies have continued to suck ass since. The man needs to switch genres. He's got a talent for making movies, but these thrillers aren't doing the trick.
The Whiskey used to be a great place, but now it sucks. When I found out my band was going to play there, I really thought we'd «made it». When I saw the condition of the place, and the shitty PAs, I was less than impressed. It's always nice to play live, no matter where you're playing, I only wish it had lived up to the hype. The Roxy is another one. They're like two old whores. Back in the day, they were really something. Now they're just sad.
Thanks for another shout out. 😀 You guys are the best. And hey, if you'd like to taste my Hefeweizen together, I can send a bottle to Rick. Let me know and I'll get on it before you crack Dick's open. I have a few of them that I bottle conditioned in plastic, so they'll ship easily.
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