Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years ago

Show 114 - Pirate Beer Show

WARNING: Not Safe For Work (NSFW) due to explicit language. Send the kiddies out of the room.

Ahrrrr. Gratuitous pirate noises abound in this episode as we hit Brouwerij Van Steenberge for some high seas (and high alcohol) beverages. And we become victims of pirates ourselves, as wives and neighbors reprise Drunks In Space! Bonus Beer Haiku for another double shot of culture (spoiler: listen to the music under Rick, it's not our same). Cool music by Magic Slim and a special celebration of alternative lifestyles at the end...

Beers swilled during this show:

  • Piraat Blonde
  • Biere du Boucanier Golden
  • Biere du Boucanier Red
  • Biere du Boucanier Dark

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#1. admin, 16 years ago

My hats off to the women of Lemon Drop Theatre. That was class and culture. Claire does a great Alan Shepard - I was thoroughly convinced it was him on audio! Laughing my butt off. Do the people on MDM have a copy of this? They should... Rick

#2. Phil, 16 years ago

Agreed on the women of Lemon Drop Theatre. I have to say, there's nothing better than listening to women curse. Simply awesome! Dust off that Oscar shelf. :-)

Such great Carlin material. My sides hurt from laughing. Thanks for sharing. He always managed to make me laugh, no matter what the subject matter was. Fart jokes are a no-brainer; they're always funny. But when Carlin's telling the jokes it's a slam dunk.

Mike, I feel your pain about the barking dog. I have them on both sides of me, and there's not a lot you can do unless you live in an area that actually has a homeowners association that will do something about it. I've talked to both of my neighbors about their dogs barking but they just say «It's a dog. It barks.» I could easily say things I would regret, but I've yet to do anything serious about it (besides consider moving).

Piraat is world class. Great choice, Rick!

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