Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years and 2 months ago

Show 116 - Odds and Ends Beer Show

Yet another show where we clean out the beer cooler. Mike and Dick lean towards IPA while Rick cruises all over the place, we do a clone taste test to see how close Mike's homebrew gets to a Bells classic, and discuss merchandising opportunities for Women's Volleyball. Cool tunes by Michael Hill Blues Mob and possible satan worshipper Robert Johnson. On a serious note, we do our turn at promoting a beer-related cancer effort sponsored by our friend Rick Lyke at, the Pints for Prostates. Listen up and send your donation in. And, what do you know, Beer News returns!

Beers swallered during this show:

  • Clarkehead Brewery Black Cat Stout
  • Mikes Three-Hearted Ale
  • Bells Two-Hearted Ale
  • Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale
  • Boulder Brewery Titan IPA

Download this not so gay (inside joke) oddended show here.

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#1. machiasman, 16 years and 2 months ago

Hey guys, thanks for another show. I've procratinated on signing up again to comment, so let me thank you in arrears for the Drunks in Space bit, both the Original and the Lemon Drop Theater versions. My wife even got a good laugh.

Two questions: One, sometime in the last half-dozen shows, someone mentioned a homebrewed concoction called something like Purple Panty Dropper. Mind passing along the recipe? Second, when was that hilarious Texas Chili Judging skit you did a couple years ago?

#2. machiasman, 16 years and 2 months ago

And regarding Mike rodent Underground Uprising, a buddy of mine just told me that he had success dumping a gallon or so of ammonia down the holes. He did it before leaving on a trip, came back 2 weeks later, no more mole holes.

#3. Phil, 16 years and 2 months ago

Great show, guys. This show had it all - great homebrew, good beer tastings, and some BEER NEWS!! And thanks for all the love for the show too. You guys are awesome! Good of you guys to promote Lyke's Prostate Cancer fundraiser. Prostate Cancer is no joke, it's a serious issue.

Thanks for the review of Black Cat Stout. I guess the hop presence is starting to wane a bit. It's been 4 months since I brewed it. Glad you enjoyed it though, Rick! It was great to see you out here.


PS: I dig the ending tune. :-) What was it - AC/DC?

#4. admin, 16 years and 2 months ago

I think the chili joke was done on this show: Show 45 - Hops and Homebrews, August 29th 2006! Wow, I'm impressed you've been listening that long. Thank you! Thank you! The link to the joke itself is broken, but it's fairly easy to find on the internet. Rick

#5. machiasman, 16 years and 2 months ago

Thanks, Rick, I've been listening longer than that, spring 2006 as far as I remember. You're one of 3-4 podcasts that I pretty much drop everything to listen to when it shows up.

I don't hear the skit in #45--it gets mentioned but not preformed. I'll download the September shows & try there.

#6. machiasman, 16 years and 2 months ago

Found it, show #44. New BFH listeners, definitely go back for that gem.

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