Show 121 - GABF 2008 WBF 14
This is a great show. Join us at the World Brewers Forum - the Keg Ran Out Clubs KROC annual fund raiser. Interviews with notables such as James Spencer Basic Brewing Radio/Video with Andy Sparks in tow, Gary Glass AHA, Randy Mosher author of «Tasting Beer», Tony Simmons President and Head Brewer of Pagosa Springs Brewery, CO, Greg Koch Stone Brewing Company with James Watt Brew Dog Brewery, Scotland followed by Dana and Dev of KROC.
Background music courtesy of Ram Jam - «Black Betty». Beers provided by many anonymous but dedicated brewers - all downright tasty, and alcoholic.
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1 comment
#1. Phil, 15 years and 10 months ago
A totally different show for you guys and absolutely brilliant. Very well done indeed. Your interview with Mosher was crazy good and I'm pre-ordering his new book today. What a great interview that was.
The interview with Greg was killer as well. I applaud you for asking him about the Slow Food movement, and I really dig his take on it. It's so true, and I don't know why it doesn't sink in. Great beer should be served with great food - and that connection is exactly what I've sunk my teeth into and won't let go.
When he mentioned that he didn't own a television, it reminded me of this article. I had a good laugh after that. And Greg's continued support of local brewers like Patrick at The Bruery just makes me respect what he's doing at Stone that much more.
Well done, gentlemen. I sure hope there's more from you guys at the GABF, because of all the beer-related podcasts this month, this was Prime Rib with a side of mashed potatoes. Total stick-to-your-ribs beer infotainment.
Never knew what KROC stood for, and now I know. Too funny. And if you get a chance to try that Cinnamon mead, let me know how it is. It sounds like the cat's pajamas.
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