Show 123 - Post GABF Beer Show
Okay, what do you do after 3 days at the Great American Beer Festival followed by a downtown Denver pub crawl? Go home, drink some more beer and record a podcast. This is a rare show recorded at the BigFoamyHead Studio West. We are a little incoherent, somewhat obnoxious. but generally funny. At least we amused ourselves!
We introduce a «new to us» feature - beer and music pairings.
Beers we sampled during this show...
Best when served with a beer. Click here to flashback to early Bock/Rock/October!
#1. machiasman, 15 years and 10 months ago
Another great show gents.
«Can we put out a good show while mildly hosed... Yes we can. Can we avoid at looking at Lil' Mike in his one eye... Yes we can.»
#2. Mike, 15 years and 10 months ago
Rick the Roman, you sound toasted !
Wandering Mike
#3. admin, 15 years and 10 months ago
I think there was a frog in my throat.
Roman Rick
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