Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 9 months ago

Show 129 - Brew Dog Show

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In Memoriam:

  • Homebrew Milk Stout
  • Brew Dog RipTide Stout
  • Brew Dog Punk IPA
  • Brew Dog Storm IPA

Remember the Chris Farley Show interviews on Saturday Night Live? Remember those? Those were awesome. Remember when we interviewed James Watt at the GABF World Brewers Forum? Remember that? That was awesome.

We are reliving that moment by enjoying some awesome Brew Dog beers. Dick and Mike warm up with a home Brewed Milk Stout then get swept away by a RipTide twisted merciless stout. Rick starts with a bomber of Punk IPA, a post modern classic pale ale, then is caught in a Storm - a very unique Islay Whisky Cask Aged IPA.

Add some music from Tommy Castro, a tax related Beer Haiku and you have an episode of BigFoamyHead.

Click here to hear a taste of Scotland!

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