Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 8 months ago

Show 130 - High Octane Beer

icon for podpress  Show 130 - High Octane Beer [48:02m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Homebrew Maibock
  • Unibroue La Terrible
  • Dogfish Head 120
  • Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
  • Alaskan Brewing Company 2007 Smoked Porter

This show is soooooo epic ("how epic is it?") - it took two days to record. Dick, Mike and John start off discussing a few preshow beverages - Mikes Homebrewed Maibock and a Unibroue La Terrible at 10.5%.

The first beer is one of the most intense beers brewed today - the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA at 18%-20% ABV! This bitter sweet beverage has a long history with us at!

The second segment starts with a Dogfish Head World Wide Stout at 18%. At this point the high octane takes it's toll on your intrepid podcasters and the third segment was lost. Play a dirge for the lost audio... actually, it's usually better when we lose these later segments.

Rick recovers from his hangover and joins live in the "new and improved" third segment. Where we enjoy another classic - the 2007 Alaskan Smoked Porter. Preshow beers include Boulder Brewing Company's Hazed and Infused, Mikes Dry Stout homebrew and a Clarkehead Black Cat Stout.

Conversation topics range from lawsuits (Rick Pitino, Louisville Basketball) to the Hamdemic - the swine flu hits the midsouth!

Music by Albert Cummins, Lord T and Eloise.

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