Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 8 months ago

Show 131 - Smaltz Brewing Coney Island Freak Show NSFW

icon for podpress  Show 131 - Coney Island Series [49:13m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Coney Island Lager 6%
  • Sword Swallower - 6.8%
  • Albino Python - 6%
  • Human Blockhead - 8.8% to 10%

Our post Memphis in May Beale Street Music Festival show. We talk about the acts we saw during 3 rain drenched days "down by the river" at Tom Lee Park. Some of the acts we saw - Steve Miller Band, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, Snoop Dogg, Elvis Costello, Shine Down along with some great blues acts - Tommy Castro, Guitar Shorty, John Mayall and the Blues Breakers, Richard Johnston and many others.

We also fire up the BBQ and have a meat fest - Thick Pork Chop sandwiches, Kielbasa and cheese plates, Chicken in white barbecue sauce and lots of slabs of ribs.

Join the debauchery by clicking here!

This show is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. The music is unedited and uncut.

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