Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 14 years ago

The Lost Interviews - Mick interviews Rick

icon for podpress  Mick interviews Rick!! Good fun. [2:06m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

The third of the lost interviews series. Mick interviews Rick.

Simply put, Mick is brilliant. He has one of the most sophisticated homebrew systems I've ever seen. It's computer controlled, SRC relayed, PID controlled, yada-yada. The guy can control his brew day while watching a football game upstairs. When Mick was bored being a EE he went to school to become a pharmacist. This guy is smart.

Rick is a multiple-mega-award-winning guru - and no slouch when it comes to technology. He is an entreprenuer, businessman, father, man-about-town. Multiple Golds, ribbons, awards and a Pro-Am brewer.

Give a mic to one, listen to the other... podcast GOLD! Here's the audio.... well, perhaps 2 minutes of audio. Alcohol was involved!

GABF WBF 2010 Interview THREE (3)!!

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