Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 2 months ago

Show 42 - Capital Beer Show

Capital Brewery LogoWe have great beers from Capital Brewery, great music from a legend of blues and rock, Willie Dixon. You may not be familiar with him, but you know his work. We also talk with Kirby Nelson, brewmaster from Capital Brewery, and get the inside dope on making beer, growing the brewery, and keeping it an art and not just a job. Plus international shoutouts, drinking and driving (or driving us to drink) and more. A musical, tasty show - enjoy!

Beers we sampled during this show...

Download this geography-challenged show here!


#1. Jamie, 18 years and 2 months ago

2 shows in one week! i'm lovin' it!!! GREAT WORK!

#2. Susan, 18 years and 2 months ago

The music on this one was stellar! I really enjoyed that!

#3. Clarke, 18 years and 2 months ago

I must have been living under a big giant rock. I grew up listening to Foghat, and NEVER knew that «I just want to make love to you» was a cover. Willie Dixon - amazing. Never heard of him, and here he wrote so many great songs. I love learning new stuff, and once again BFH provides the education. Still love Foghat's rendition, though. 😀 They rocked it.

Enjoyed your interview with Kirby Nelson. That was a really thoughtful addition. Excellent job. I love listening to brewers talk. They love talking about their beer, and beer in general.

Sorry to hear about the driving incident. I take it she won't be getting her license any time soon? That batch of rauch has been back luck, no?



#4. Groucho, 18 years and 1 month ago

Clarke hit all my points!

I loved the interview with Kirby... I was secretly going to fast forward ahead, thinking it would be a lame brewer interview... His energy was infectious. Very cool guy, you could not have found a better brewer. I need to look around here for some Capital Brews... They should be around here somewhere.

Loved Ricks story about the driving lesssons... At least you saved the beer!

Lastly... Dick's blues education was killer! Thats the way I like to learn about the blues! You should teach a class!


#5. John, 18 years and 1 month ago

I heard about you through James Spencer on Basic Brewing and wanted to check out your program. And I'm from Wisconsin so I wanted to see what you all had to say about Capital Brewery. As I was listening to the beginning of the show you started to talk about Willie Dixon and then you played the song that was supposedly his version of «I Want to Make Love to You.» The thing is that I have that very same version on a Muddy Waters album. And I really think it's Muddy's voice in the recording. Is that really his version and the first? Way to go back to the roots of Blues! If you haven't done it yet, Huddie Ledbetter would be another great guy for you to feature.

Thanks in advance for your response.

#6. Administrator, 18 years and 1 month ago

Willie Dixon was in Muddy Waters band. He was the double bass player. A lot of Muddy's songs were written by Willie. As to who sang it first... I don't know. But he sang it on his own, as well as backing Muddy when he sang it. Thanks for the tip on Huddie Ledbetter and we'll feature him on an upcoming show.

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