Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 1 month ago

Audio Extra - 20th Annual Great Taste of the Midwest

Join Rick as he wanders around the 20th Annual Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison, Wisconsin. This is an annual charitable event held by the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild on the 2nd Saturday of August. The event features over 100 breweries and over 450 different beers. So many beers, so little time.

No intros, exits or fluff. This is fairly raw audio although I tried to keep the levels fairly consistent. Some of the people are experts, for example the main brewer from Schlafly - Stephen Hale, to your generic uninformed public who's contribution to the podcast was «Woo Hoo!» I also found some of the organizers to get their thoughts on the event. Warning: this show contains some made up facts!

Beers sampled during this excursion...

  • New Albanian Cone Smoker
  • New Albanian Hop Times
  • New Albanian Thunderfoot - Dark Cherry Oak Stout
  • Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout
  • Founders Old Curmudgeon
  • Honorable Mention (not sampled): Founders Devil Dancer
  • Tyranena Bourbon Barrel Aged 2004 Peated Wee Heavy (Scotch Ale)
  • Tyranena Bitter Woman IPA
  • Tyranena Rocky's Revenge Bourbon Aged Brown Ale
  • Grumpy Troll Brew Pub Pillaging Troll Porter
  • Flatlanders Harvest Amber Ale
  • Milwaukee Ale House Pull Chain Pail Ale
  • New Glarus Brewing Co. Road Slush Oatmeal Stout
  • New Holland Dragons Milk Barrel Aged Strong Ale
  • New Holland Blue Goat Dopplebock
  • O'Fallon Brewery Smoked Porter
  • Goose Island Matilda Reserve
  • St Louis Brewery, Inc. Schlafly Belgian Tripel
  • Kuhnhenn Brewing Company Raspberry Eisbock
  • Kuhnhenn Brewing Company Fourth Dementia Olde Ale
  • Honorable Mention (not sampled): Kuhnhenn Creme Brulee Java Stout
  • Capital Brewery Oktoberfest
  • Three Floyds Dark Lord
  • Three Floyds Alpha Kahn
  • South Shore Brewery Bourbon Barrel Coffee Mint Irish Stout

Download this whirlwind tour of the midwest here.


#1. Jamie, 18 years and 1 month ago

GREAT job reporting. Everything sounded great and it makes me want to go next year.

You tasted at least 25 different beers, no way I could have done that. If i had been on the mic, here's what I would have sounded like:

Beers 1-3- she sounds nervous, yet excited to be there

Beers 4-6, she's warming up, and getting very friendly and almost funny

Beers 7-10, she looked in the mirror and thought she looked really cute, but she told off a cop on her way to the bathroom

beers 11-15- starting to get unaudible

beer 16- the cop is back, but is nice enough to hold her pony tail as she puked in a trash can

beer 17- she drank some of the porters, ok, we know she's trashed if she drink that!

***pause for a long nap***

she wakes up at the red tent, feels refreshed, so she finished with beers 18-25. a little more conservative on the audio since 4 people came by and asked if she was ok. she looks in the mirror and is glad this is a podcast, no pictures have been taken, and swears she will never do this again.... until next year

#2. Administrator, 18 years and 1 month ago

Jamie, you crack me up!! Too funny. I would like a video of that. We'll have to get you to a beerfest. St. Mary's is having an Oktoberfest... make your plans now! 😉


#3. Clarke, 18 years and 1 month ago

Wow. A leftovers show and it sounds this great? Now you're just showing off.

You guys do such an AWESOME job of interacting with people and your interviews are bloody brilliant. Always insightful, great questions, and they're paced so well. Wow, were there ever some drunk people at this thing. Beerfests are the best, man.

And I love that you guys BLEEP whenever someone says anything off-color. We're potty mouths over here. If we did that to everything, the whole show would sound like morse code.

I want to go next year! 😉

Cheers dudes,


#4. Groucho, 18 years and 1 month ago

Ha Ha.... You hold your composer much better than CHUD & I at our first fest... I think we did the same amount of beers, but we were far more wrecked!

Rocks my boat... LOL... I love that!

Thanks for the shout out from the O'Fallon guys! LOL... That was great! Did you dig it?

Correcting drunks... Rick, give it up!

I need to get some of that Dragons Milk! I keep passing by at the store!

Great job man!


#5. Father Spoon, 18 years and 1 month ago

WOOT! You got someone from Pittsburgh!

I love the progression of everyone into a drunken bliss. you can even hear it with the people around you. I have to admit that your ability to keep your composure is impressive.

For anyone that ever doubted the free press from being on a podcast I've already checked out 3 brewers online and now must get my hands on a Devil Dancer from Founders Brewing!

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