Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years and 9 months ago

Show 81 - Aggressive Beer Show

Our first show with Rick out in the field, we explore some seriously aggressive beers. No, this is not a new category of beers, just some that we found to be particularly interesting and assertive.

Plus: if you want to hear some crying in your beer, listen to our alcohol-addled rantings as we attempted show 80. Mindless babbling and some great beers from Craig of Brew Bubbas located here.

Download this aggressive, maybe obnoxious, show here.


#1. Clarke, 16 years and 9 months ago

It was so great to hear another Big Foamy Head. It was weird listening to Rick calling in, instead of being in the studio. I can't wait to hear the drunk show . . . er, lost episode. Even without a Rick in the studio, it still feels like Big Foamy Head. You guys are doing a great job. It'll just be that much better when you get Rick in on Skype.

This got me through a tough day at work today, so it was great to hear you guys talk about the history of Laguanitas' trouble with the law. I'd heard the story before, and it never gets old. It's very unique. I love how people in Northern California treat drug use so casually. Like «Of course we smoke pot, we're in Sonoma!» I mean, what's the big freakin' deal? Everyone should just chill out.

And I do like the CENSORED beer quite a bit. They're not on my list of favorite breweries, but I like that beer a lot. Port Brewing is hit and miss for me. I know everyone seems to like them, and they come home with awards every year - so I must be screwed up. For all the rumblings about how they were supposed to be the next Stone, even taking over the old brewery in San Marcos, I'm waiting for them to bring it strong. I need to go back there and check them out again.

Looking forward to hearing the drunk show. Beer + Tequila + Emotions = PODCASTING GOLD :)

#2. Clarke, 16 years and 9 months ago

Blech! Someone fix my post, please! It kept all my formatting from my post at The Confrontation Board.

What a rookie. :-(

Done. Thanks for the posts Clarke!

#3. Rick, 16 years and 9 months ago

Please - read this in its entirety

I have so long loved the Rick and Dick Big Foamy Head, it just worked. I heard of Rick's departure for greener pastures and could not begrudge the move, but worried what would happen with the show. (Please read this)

You guys in the studio for show 81 - shocking... it 'just worked' too! Fantastic. I am simply impressed with the way you all have picked up the baton and carried show 81 (with Rick on the phone - lovely to hear... RICK! GO TO BRISTOL BREWING ASAP... PLEASE).

Great job. I am sorry I haven't picked up your names yet... but truly - great job. I look forward to 82.

#4. Cregar, 16 years and 9 months ago

Lovin' your shows!!! Especially listening to the Blues... do you happen to have a list of the artist/songs you play on your podcast listed on your website anywhere? If not, it would be great if you could list the music played on each podcast on your blog posts.

Thanks and keep up with the awesome shows.

#5. Mike Bond, 16 years and 9 months ago

Rick, thanks for the kind comments. It has been tons of fun with Dick and Rick and I look forward to tons more. Dick and I have some great interviews lined up for future shows and we even have some possible road trips. Rick H. is only a phone call away and with his knowledge he is and will always be a mainstay of the show. I am just a novice but have a thirst (no pun intended) for great beers. I have learned so much over the past few months with Dick and Rick and I look forward to each show we do and the beers we get to try. I just brewed my first beer and I am ready to do another. So many things to do and so little time.

Thanks again,

Mike B

#6. Rick, 16 years and 9 months ago

Mike - congrats on the first brew! That is great - you'll of course need to keep us posted on this in upcoming episodes.

#7. D-Town, 16 years and 9 months ago

My I recommendation is that you don't play a whole song in your intro. Playing a whole song later is more than welcomed, but at the beginning it can be discouraging for the listener. Get a regular intro.... short, but sweet, rockin!!!

A whole song just drags on...

and my I say Go Detroit Tigers!!!

That is all.


#8. Groucho, 16 years and 9 months ago

Finally got a chance to hear this one... Man, nothing against the other guys... But I sure miss Rick in the studio! BTW, I didn't even realize there were 2 guys in there with ya until halfway through the show, you may want to give us some intros! (I now know Mike's name from this thread!)

I was really glad to hear your review of the Censored as well. I was holding a bottle of that in the store a week ago, and passed on it....Thinking it was a bunch of hype, and the beer was probably lame. I should learn, Lagunitas has not let me down yet. And they love the Hops as much as I do.

The music on this Ep was some of my favorite that you have ever played... I guess I am an Aggressive Blues fan??? Isn't that called Rock?

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