Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 16 years and 5 months ago

Show 91 - Fall Beer Surprise

We clean out the refrigerators once again, sampling some beers from recent trips to Denver, California and elsewhere. We kick off the show with a review of a commercial offering from AB, and believe it or not we don't kill it. Martin joins the ranks of home brewers in a most economical way, and we get back to our roots of beer, blues and barbecue with some cool tunes from Otis Spann and others. And Beer News returns!

Featured beers on this show:
Michelob Marzen (what are we thinking?)
Telemark IPA
Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout

Download this show before it goes bad here.


#1. Phil, 16 years and 5 months ago

YEAH! The return of BEER NEWS!!!! My favorite segment is back. Great stuff, guys. How great to hear that beer is cheaper than water in some places. That ought to change things! Great to hear Martin in the studio too. When he said «All you piss beer drinkers need to try Brooklyn Brewery's Chocolate Stout» I almost spit my coffee out. 😀

Are you guys seriously cooking 30 chickens at once? Holy crap, that's a TON! Over apple wood too? Those sound fantastic. How did it turn out?

It's good to hear that Michelob hit the mark with their Märzen. They can certainly use a beer like that to make a splash in the ever-increasing craft brew market.

Sorry the judges didn't rate your beer higher, Rick. I don't like beer competitions for this very reason. It's so incredibly subjective, and it certainly doesn't define you as a brewer. All it does is bum you out when things don't go well. I love your beer - it's great stuff, and I'm hard pressed to even consider it home brew because it tastes so polished. Make more, and don't send them any. They're not worth it.

I recently tasted a beer from my friend's neighbor, who brews beer and won a Gold Medal in the Pale Ale category at the OC Fair. It was average at best, had no body, lacked hop aroma, was one of the least dynamic beers I've ever had. Won a Gold. That about summed up beer judging for me.

Brookyln Brewery's Black Chocolate Stout was pure silky heaven in a glass. I love that beer. It's one hell of an achievement for them. Glad you liked it too. I had a hard time believing it didn't win anything at the GABF. Not to say Deschutes or Rogue didn't deserve theirs, but I don't know how this missed. (PS: Thanks again for another plug of 'Hopped Up') Nice pairing idea too - brie and imperial stout, now you're talking.

Great to hear that you're bringing shows in at a rapid pace. Can't wait. Keep 'em coming! You get me through my work day.

#2. sickpuppy, 16 years and 5 months ago

Great show guys! Glad to see Beer News is back, I love it! Keep firing out the shows!!

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