Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 50 - Highland Brewing Company Beer Show

Join as we take a trip to the highlands. Okay, they aren't the Scottish Highlands, but the highlands of Asheville, NC. We enjoy some good beer, some good show snacks, and some good music. Sounds like a formula for a good time Big Foamy Head style!

Highland beers we sampled...

  • Highland Brewing Company St.Terese's Pale Ale (5.2% abv)
  • Highland Brewing Company Gaelic Ale (5.8% abv)
  • Highland Brewing Company Kashmir IPA (5.6% abv)
  • Highland Brewing Company Oatmeal Porter (5.8% abv)
  • Highland Brewing Company Black Mocha Stout (5.3% abv)
  • Highland Brewing Company Imperial Gaelic (8.7% - 9.3% abv)

Listen to podcast of the Imperial Gaelic limited release here (Tony Kiss, «The Beer Guy», Citizen Times Podcast)

Join us as we celebrate our 50th show here.


#1. Clarke, 17 years and 9 months ago

Happy Big Foamy Anniversary!

Thanks for another enjoyable show. I really enjoyed the discussion of the Highland beers. It almost makes me wish I could drink one.

Rick, are you telling me that you actually got drunk enough at the Ashville Bluegrass Festival to warrant deleting some interviews? You can't hold that stuff back, dude. Seriously. I really want to hear it. To HELL with your standards! :-)

Loved Dick's tagline for Chinook hops - «Cynical and bitter like the people who drink it.» That's brilliant - let's make a T-Shirt. Also, congrats on your daughter's Chili championship too! That kicks ass. How proud were you when that happened?

Thanks again for another great show.



#2. Administrator, 17 years and 9 months ago


I can only hope you get to try the Imperial Gaelic sometime... perhaps sooner then later! :) As far as the missing audio goes, ah - it is painful to listen to. Ugh.

#3. Rick, 17 years and 9 months ago

You know, I just love going to a new brewery and ordering a sampler of their products, trying them one by one. So, it seems only logical that I'd love a show where you do that for me. NOT nearly as satisfying for my palate, mind you, but an enjoyable time under the headphones in my off-grey light devoid cubicle. I hope you have more horizontal tastings lined up, I feel like I learn a bit about the brewery rather than the style.

Great show guys! Don't ride the manitee, or whatever that water creature was.

#4. Administrator, 17 years and 9 months ago

Rick ( - We do style shows on occassion (Bocks, Russian Imperials, etc.) but we aren't nearly as good at that as other podcasts. We like running through the offerings of a particular brewery or brewpub! Usually we can tie the brewery samplings with an interview or, better yet, an outting to somewhere fun!! My hope is that someone will see a beer we recommend and pick it up, where they might have passed it by otherwise.

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