Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 7 months ago

Show 132 - Abita Beer Show

icon for podpress  Show 132 - The Abita Beer Show [80:22m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In Memoriam:

  • Purple Haze
  • Pecan Harvest
  • Jacomo IPA
  • TurboDog
  • Abbey Ale
  • Andygator

Abita beer is one of the Souths oldest and best breweries. Join us as we discuss some of the offerings and interview the head brewer Mark Wilson.

Our shoot the breeze round-table topics include:
Music break - Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues
Joaquin Pheonix and weird actors
Celebrity sighting - Tori Spelling eating sushi without beer.
Italian Fest recap - Larry Raspberry & the Highsteppers, Starship starring Mickey Thomas
80's big hair movie - Mannequin
Music break - Snoop Dogg
Beer Haiku - yes we forgot the music again.
Closing music - Johnny Cash Cocaine Blues

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