Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years ago

Show 76 - Belgium Ale Beer Show

Trophy Mo' good times from the guys at BigFoamyHead! We're fresh off of our first barbeque competition - The Southaven Springfest BBQ. The team we were on, B3 (beer, blues and bbq), took third place in the shoulder competition for the division we were in. Hey, thats a pretty good accomplishment for a new team using a borrowed smoker. Enough to make us downright giddy.

We have a full beer studio for this show. We're joined by our neighbor Claire, who has a lovely British accent. It's very nice on the ears. Of course it's also a good excuse for us to be juvenile!

Photo bucket pictures - The Test Cook and Competition Cook.

More promotion of the MIM Music Fest, which has come and gone. Lots of music from our featured artist, Popa Chubby and we close out with some Iggy Pop.

We do a listener contributed Beer Haiku to add a bit of class and culture to your lives.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Brewery Ommegang Abbey Ale
  • Delirium Noel
  • Victory Twelve

You know the drill, click and listen here.


#1. Clarke, 17 years ago

Claire's voice is like silk, and a welcome addition to Big Foamy Head. I highly suggest more Claire in the future. And next time, get her a cider. 😀

Now, another Clarkehead Haiku:

The barbecue goes
well with the beligian strong ales.
You dudes were tanked up.



#2. sickpuppy, 17 years ago

«P.S. We have some fun at Sick Puppy's expense in this show. Sorry dude!»

Don't knock it till you try it boys! I was just given 2 beers from the early 90's! You wanna try em'?!!!

Great show once again, Claire's voice was smokin' and I LOVE Popa Chubby, seen him here in PGH a ton! Dude is incredible live! Helluva nice guy too!

#3. David R. Gardiner, 17 years ago

What can I say? It's my all time favorite show. The music was smokin', the corks were flyin', and the sweet sultry voice from another land was a refreshing addition to the show. Love the pics. The beer haiku brought tears to my eyes. Rick, you're a class act, my friend. I'm looking forward to the next show. Haiku to ya,
We've another «B»
Beer, blues, barbeque, and BABES!
How can you top that?

#4. Father Spoon, 17 years ago

I think you need to get Claire tanked just so I can hear «Oh my dear sweet Rick, go f*ck yourself». With that accent... WHOA!

Great show guys and congrats again on winning some bling! Now update that Cafe Press store so i can buy a B3 shirt!

#5. Matt, 16 years and 11 months ago

Great stuff!

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