Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 56 - Avery Brewing Company

Avery Brewing Company LogoBe warned: There is heavy breathing on this show. Maybe its because of the fantastic Avery beer, maybe its because of the new mics, but it is there in full force. Tom Mascari joins us as we take a tour of the nectar produced by Avery Brewing Company. We lead off with Iggy Pop, noted blues artist, and provide yet another musical moment in history. Big Foamy Head - drink beer, learn stuff. What a concept!

Breathe in, breathe out and download this show here.

Smoked Turkey Links

Smoked Turkey Pictures here.

Fight results from Mayor Herenton and Smoking Joe Frazier here.


#1. Clarke, 17 years and 7 months ago

Rick, I appreciate that you like my Belgian stuff, but better than «The Reverend»? That's really stretching it, my man. I mean, I appreciate all of your compliments - I do, but The Reverend - that's sacred ground.

Way to keep up the 5K's Dick. Good to hear that you're really picking up steam. That's awesome. Don't forget that beer is loaded with carbs. Who needs Gatorade when you've got a fridge full of beer?

#2. Administrator, 17 years and 7 months ago

Dick has run 2 full marathons, a 5K then a half marathon! The man is a running fool!

Just accept the compliments cLarKe - your beer rocks. Please send more! :)

#3. Rick, 17 years and 7 months ago

You guys know you have a great show, and with what little I think I know of you both from your show, I submit these brewery names for your consideration.

Far from Tupelo Brewing Company
Lil Chitlins Brewing Company
Marathon Beer Company
The Tin Roof Brewhouse
Wayward Manatee Brewing
The Monster Mash House of Blues and Brews

Great show, always a good thing to have guests to bring different opinions and approaches to beer and the show. Pretty bird I see there.

#4. Administrator, 17 years and 7 months ago

Those are fun names Rick. Thanks for checking out the show. You know «Blues and Brews» has a nice ring to it. For our friends who haven't checked it out yet, Pacific Brew News is a great show - check it out.

#5. Brew Bubbas 1, 17 years and 7 months ago

Rick & Dick,
You continue to inspire us! 56 shows is awesome and it appears that you guys have more fun with each episode! I look forward to meeting you guys at GABF!
Keep brewing,
Craig Belanger
Brew Bubbas

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