Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 4 months ago

Show 137 - Great Taste of the Midwest 2009

icon for podpress  BFH Show 137 - the Great Taste of the Midwest [35:29m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Once again we present from the Great Taste of the Midwest - a long running beer festival focusing on the abundant beers and breweries of the Midwest. Please Visit for details.

Great interviews with Brad from B. Nektar Meadery, Eric from Kuhnhenns, a couple of podcast friends - Groucho and Bonus Beer Bob, and BigFoamyHead supporters on the bus ride home!

Music samplings

  • Audio Sample - the horn dudes
  • BB King - The Thrill is Gone
  • Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - A Woman in Love

Get your midwest on, and so ya know? You betcha!

By admin, 16 years and 4 months ago

Show 119 - The Bittersweet Beer Show

This show was recorded weeks ago and some of the topics are dated.  Actually, you should skip the third segment all together if you're easily offended by language, race or politics.  Hey, that means you easily offended person - skip the third segment!  Don't say you weren't warned!

We show our friends from Illinois, Groucho and CHUD from some long over due love.  Then we discuss the Olympics in great detail.  Beer Haiku and great blues from Big Mama Thornton and Stevie Ray round up this bittersweet beer show.

Beers we sampled this show:

  • Boulevard Double Wide IPA
  • Deschutes Hop Henge Imperial IPA
  • Stone Brewing Company 12th Anniversary Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout (thanks Phil!)
  • Left Hand Brewing Company Imperial Stout
  • Albert Le Coq Imperial Extra Double Stout

If you're bitter, listen here... if you're sweet, well same show, same place.

icon for podpress  Show 119 - Bittersweet Beer Show [90:14m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

By admin, 17 years and 6 months ago

Show 83 - Great Divide Brewery Show

We sample a wide variety of beers from Great Divide Brewery and get into a very deep (and wide) discussion about styles, reviews, judging and so forth. Rick Sellers from Pacific Brew News joins us and really educates our ignorant asses on the hows and whys of judging. Great music and more. Listen up!

Download this episode and judge for yourself here.

By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 79 - Another Damn Belgian Beer Show

It is not that we don't love a good Belgian Beer. It just seems like we are always drinking them. But that is not such a bad thing, is it? We dive into some left-of-center Belgians, courtesy of Kenny, Friend of Show, as we recover from our gigantic neighborhood barbecue that we catered. We crank up the bluesometer with some guitar-driven blues from Tommy Castro, our buddy George Thorogood, and Tinsley Ellis with a song about monkeys that leads to some life observations - sort of. And, sadly, we make an announcement about Rick's new field position. Could this be a good thing in disguise? Will Rick discover new beers in the wilderness of Colorado? Or will things go to hell in a handbasket resulting in Rick turning to a life of panhandling and dancing a spastic little jig in front of tourists for quarters - again. Tune in and find out!

Brother Thelonius from North Coast Brewing
Trois Pistoles from Unibroue
Abbey Brown Ale from Corsendunk
And lots of Jack Daniels

Download this tearjerker and monkeyspanker of a show here.

By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 78 - Clarkehead Brewery Show

Yep, its true. We have the ever elusive host of Dude Night and proprietor of Clarkehead Brewery on tap for this show! These cat based beers (a tiny portion of feline matter in every bottle) go down smooth. Too bad the conversation doesn't. Listen in as Phil shares his secrets for fantastic brews and food pairings. Things get ugly when we start discovering crystal meth as alleged secret ingredients and pair it with lung cancer. Listen to the show and you will understand all. Great beers, great tunes and a great soliloquy on why Beer is Art from Phil. Bottoms up!

Beers sampled this show:
Clarkehead Brewery Clarkeweizen
Clarkehead Brewery Fat Abbey
Clarkehead Brewery Hairy Porter

Download this show from the Big Foamy Head Hops and Meth Labs here.

By admin, 17 years and 8 months ago

Show 77 - Boscos Beer Show

Sorry for the delay folks, but the audio on this show has been quite difficult. First off, its a live show, our first attempt and we are a bit challenged on the mic. Having said that, the conversation and beer could not be better! Chuck Skypeck, brewmaster and founder of Boscos in Memphis, shares a lot of wisdom and experience with us about brewing beer, pairing food with beer, and a somewhat x-rated version of Rick tapping the keg! Great stuff every beer fan will enjoy. We also are joined by many of the folks at Boscos, staff and patrons alike. Add to that some great music by Blues Entertainer of the Year Tab Benoit and you have something for everyone.

Download this micro-brewed show here.

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 70 - La Folie Beer Show

Join us for this premium show with premium beer and premium guests. We kick off the show with the falling-off-a-log homebrew from the Brewhouse, courtesy of Brew Bubbas. And then we get into the beer star of the show, La Folie from the New Belgium brewery, by way of James Spencer of Basic Brewing. This is an exceptional Flemish Red Ale and an experience for any beer afficionado. And then things take a turn for the blues with our special guest, Chris Thomas King.

You may know Chris from his appearances in the movies O Brother Where Art Thou, Ray, and others. But you may not know about some of his recent works, a special album reflecting his losses in Hurricane Katrina. This album, Rise, is deeply personal and got Chris a nomination for a Handy Blues award for Best Blues Song of the Year for Baptized in Dirty Water. We spend a LOT of time with Chris, who you'll find is a very passionate blues man. You can purchase this CD and more from Chris Thomas King at iTunes, Amazon, eMusic and just about any other online music outlet.

Pucker up and download this blues-filled show here.

The second part of the Chris Thomas King interview can be found here.

Check out the official debut of the Intro To Kegging by Rick of Big Foamy Head:

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 69 - Bear Republic Beer Show

Not your average bear, Bear Republic Brewery is our featured beer on this numerically significant show. What is it about the number 69? We forget.

Great beers and great blues with Reverend Horton Heat, Memphis' own Barkays, Tab Benoit and more.

It's that time of year again, we start gearing up for the Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival, which announced it's lineup the day we recorded the show.

Rick Lyke provides an informative and timely Beer News Segment. Outlawing alcoholic beverage advertising on college campuses? Dumb idea. Molson-Coors axe swinging to cut costs? Sounds like union busting to us. Canadian Navy using cigarette taxes to subsidize beer? Kudos. Beer plants producing Ethanol? Great idea.

Finally, check out our new feature, Beer Haiku, courtesy of Captain Hops. Rick wields his dramatic interpretation skills to bring you mo' culture than you can stand. Well, mo' of something than you can stand!

Beers we sampled this show...

Bear with us as you download this podcast here.

The Dude Night Hop Father, as discussed during the show.

By admin, 18 years ago

Show 64 - Lost Abbey Show Redux, part 1

What? iTunes screwed up something? Impossible, you say? Well, it's true. We had part 1 and 2 of the Lost Abbey beer show in one post, but that apparently doesn't make nice with Apple. And since you've already had part 2 thrust upon you, here's part 1 posted afterward. Enjoy!

We lost the abbey but found the show, at least part 1 that you can download here.

By admin, 18 years ago

Show 64 - Lost Abbey Beer Show pt2

We found the Lost Abbey and the Belgian style beers are quite exceptional! Join us as we give plugs and shoutouts to a boatload of people and podcasts, pimp some worthy causes, and explore three fantastic beers from the San Diego area. We also have an interview with the owner of the best beer bar in the land, the Liars Club. Or is it the best? We want to hear from you. We preview a new beer from New Belgium as well, called Springboard, a seasonal offering. Also on tap is our first ever contest to win an extremely rare and valuable prize (hint: you have to watch the video below to win). We get on a tear about youtube and other new media, have some great news (have you heard about Bilk?) and play some cool blues and punk tunes. We got so carried away with this show we have to give it to you in two parts...

Beers we sampled on this show...

And listen to part 2 of this belgian flavored show here.

Watch this video and win something, maybe.

Plugs and Promotions Quick Reference Guide:

Brew Bubbas Linda Starck Page
New Belgium Brewing Springboard Ale
Basic Brewing Radio The Brewers Logbook
Bosco's supports The Blues Foundation
Rick Sellers, Pacific Brew News GCBA Celebrewtion
Rick Lyke Blog
Wicked Awesome Films
Illeanarama - Supermarket of the Stars
Clarkehead Videos
SIDT Chug Vote and Video

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