Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 58 - Allagash Beer Show

BeerWe are two for two with a second show featuring fantastic Belgian-style beers! Allagash Brewery delivers the goods, and we warm up with a 400 year old recipe for Wassail, which is basically hot beer with liquor added. Yum. Also on tap is some original Memphis Music from BlueJazz, reports from the field from Rick Lyke with devastating NASCAR news, and animal stories galore. Susan joins us again, and we give an update on the topless club and manatee situation in Memphotown. Great beers and a great sendoff to Christmas.

Take your top off and parade around your living room with this great show! Download here.

More on BlueJazz at

Get your Wassail on with this recipe.

XMAS LIGHTS - check it out at

Beers we sampled:


#1. CAmes, 17 years and 7 months ago

Merry Christmas guys, thanks for the show. Where's the pictures of the Christmas lights?

#2. Administrator, 17 years and 6 months ago

Sorry, got caught up in the egg nog! I added the link to the post, Update: I just bought 6000 more lights in preparation for next year. Trying to score at least a brownout in the neighborhood.

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