Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 60 - Sprecher Beer Show

Great beer from Sprecher (and a really sucky one from the beer locker), blues from the Vaughn brothers, Robin Trower, Jimmy Thackery and more. We rant about sushi restaurants, give you the homebrew update with special guest Craig from Brew Bubbas and a good cause. More great beer news from Rick Lyke, and assorted odds and ends - and we manage to keep all our promises!

Click the picture to glimpse the high resolution version of this pulled pork «hog heaven» nachos masterpiece!

Beers we sampled this show...

BrewBubbas Linda Starck Donation Site

Homebrewers! Toss your false bottom and buy one of these Bazooka T for your all grain mashing!!

Download this lagered up, malted out show here!

We Didn't Lie! The PreShow Video Test below...


#1. Craig Belanger, 17 years and 9 months ago

R & D,
Why do I get thirsty when listening to all the other beer/brewing podcast? When I listen to you guys, I get thirsty AND HUNGRY!!! Knock it off! You're killing me!!! Another GREAT job guys!!!

#2. Clarke, 17 years and 9 months ago

Hey dudes, just getting back into the swing of things here so I'm catching up on everything. I love the pre-show video idea. It's always great to see where you guys actually record and what it all looks like. Damn, those nachos look good. You guys know how to eat (and drink) the right way.



#3. Clarke, 17 years and 9 months ago

Also (almost forgot) I love Sprecher's beer. It's one of my favorites from the MidWest. Of those you guys tasted, I've only had the Amber Lager. I really liked their Abbey, Hefe, and the black bavarian lager the most. And I love that the brewery makes such a wide variety of beer year-round. It's a sign of a good brewery, I think.

I'll have more to say about the sushi rant in a bit. I'm still downloading everything and just started listening to this one.

#4. Clarke, 17 years and 9 months ago

Dick, sorry you had a horrible experience at that sushi place. That's never OK, no matter where you are. I'm the king of bad service, so I've been in your situation before and I know how frustrating that can be. Leave it to an Italian restaurant to save the day, eh? :-) Woot! Let's hear it for mia fratellos!

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