Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 63 - Brew Crazy Beer Show

We welcome Johnny Max (BrewCrazy Brewcast) to the show and enjoy some of his award winning homebrews including the infamous Cause of Death. It's an all-grain 21% ABV beverage that they said «couldn't be done.» You read about it in Brew Your Own magazine, now hear how it was done straight from the brewer himself.

Add some beer news with Rick Lyke (, an interview with the fine folks from O'Fallon Brewery, and of course - some great blues music with a twist of gospel and you have the recipe for a fun evening Big Foamy Head style!

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Cause of Death
  • Heffeweisen
  • Old Ale
  • St Arnolds Christmas Ale Clone
  • Poblano Chili

This show may not be your cause of death, but you won't know until you click here!

The video experiments continue. We try out Adobe Premiere Elements for some cool effects.


#1. Rick, 17 years and 9 months ago

Wow guys... you make me feel as though I suffer from «little beer syndrome». 21% - the 9% hefe, the double digit old ale... and the wee little 8% craft brew. Man, them are some big beers.

Great show, very interesting hearing Johnny Max, sans Captain Ron. He really knows his beer, from the sounds of it. He was a great guest and hopefully you'll be able to either return the favor or have him on again in the future.

Two weeks in a row with some Walter Trout - which is a good thing. One of my '06 highlights was seeing him play.

Keep it up gents.

#2. Father Spoon, 17 years and 9 months ago

Downloading the show now. In regards to your video, check out Arcadia's Shipwreck Porter too. Sickpup and I are HUGE fans of it. Porter aged for six months in 10 year-old bourbon barrels. It usually goes quick here so if you want us to send some let us know!


#3. Brew Bubba 1, 17 years and 9 months ago

Another homerun . . . or is that «another keg»??? Anyway, it was great to see (and listen to) Johnny Max too. That Cause of Death was a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Thanks for sharing and keep brewing!!!

#4. Clarke, 17 years and 9 months ago

Damn, you guys are just getting better and better. This show had so much good stuff in it, it was like listening to an All-Star show.

The beer news segment is still my favorite thing to listen to, from any podcast. I could not get over the AB Advertising Budget for the Superbowl. Holy crap, do they ever have way too much money. And they're gearing their advertising to the 16-20 year old market? Has anyone told them that's still under age? Frustrating.

Brew Crazy is definitely crazy. Wow, that beer sounds brutal. I read his article in BYO and I was just beside myself. That's a LOT of grain, folks.

I love the idea of a higher alcohol hefeweizen. Who says it has to be 5-6%? I would love to see what a stronger Bavarian style wheat beer would taste like.

Again, great show. It's all about the beer. Gotta love it.


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