Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 19 years and 3 months ago

Show #3 - Smoked Steak and Rogues

Smoked SteakShow #3 is a little better put together. We're cooking Ancho Chili-Rubbed Smoked Sirloin Steak with Chipotle Salsa and Queso Fresco - man, is that a mouthful! And it tastes as good as it sounds. We're also drinking a few selections from Rogue Breweries and listening to some great tunes. Excellent beers and an excellent interview as well with Jack Joyce, one of the founders of Rogue Ale. Details, photos, recipes and credits are here.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Rogue Dead Guy Ale
  • Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar
  • Rogue Morimoto Soba Ale

Download the mp3 here

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