Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 9 months ago

Show 25 - The Indy Beer Show

The Silver Anniversary Show! Lots of good beer from Indiana and a great musical guest, Chris Love. We drink beer (duh) from the Upland Brewing Company, listen to Memphis music and try to sell a used brewery. Guaranteed good time or we refund the full price of this podcast.

Beers reviewed:
Upland Brewing Company

  • Amber
  • Weizen
  • Dragonfly IPA

Visit Chris Love at

Download this independent podcast here.


#1. John and Jodie, 18 years and 8 months ago

Hey there fellers,

We're from Indy originally so we're familiar with the Upland brews. The IPA is their best IOHO.

We like your show. Great content and audio quality. Nice flow.

Keep it up.


John and Jodie

#2. Administrator, 18 years and 7 months ago

Thanks you guys! I really enjoy your show also. - you guys have great tunes and fun show to listen to.

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