Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 8 months ago

Show 26 - The Basic Brewing Interview

This one is a little different... It opens with a special tune, the Big Foamy Head Blues! Yep, we have a theme song now. We spend a Saturday morning getting tore up with homebrews during the first-ever internet interstate simulpodcast. (Only minor injuries were sustained.)

We join our podcast friends James Spencer and Steve Wilkes from Basic Brewing to discuss the joys of homebrew beer and Memphis barbecue vs. Kansas City barbecue. It's a big time for all of us and you'll enjoy this one. Special musical guest is Steve, who is a member of the Claudia Burson trio.

Beers sampled during this show...

  • Ricks Noble Trappist Ale
  • James Spencers California Common
  • Ricks Hazelnut Nectar Clone
  • James Spencers Porter
  • Ricks Double Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
  • James Spencers Amarillo Ale

Visit Basic Brewing here.

Meet Claudia Burson (and Steve) here.

Download this homebrewed podcast here.


#1. BIG NORM, 17 years and 6 months ago

To bad you can't download this show I would liked to listen to it.

#2. Administrator, 17 years and 6 months ago

We had to remove some content from the site - something about exceeding storage limitations on the host site... we'll do something to hook you up with this show. It was a really fun interview.

#3. Administrator, 17 years and 6 months ago

Big Norm - the file has been restored. Thanks for listening.

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