Show 32 - The Bock Beer Show
We take a trip down the Bock beer avenue and experience the rich malty goodness. Susan and Trey join us to help offset the liver damage caused by this high alcohol beer. Great music from Memphis legends, pillow fights and Smoked Shrimp - enjoy!
- Rick's Home Brew Bock
- Shiner Bock
- Paulaner Salvator Dopplebock
- Bells Consecrator Dopplebock
- Two Brothers Brewing Co. Incinerator Blond Dopplebock
- Aventinus Weizen Eisbock
- Sam Adams Chocolate Bock
Susan Beerbabe's column in the Independent.
Buy the WDIA: History, The Music, The Legends CD featuring Rufus Thomas and the Bar-Kays
Memphis In May Music Festival Lineup
Make the Smoked Shrimp and Barbecue Remoulade for yourself!
Download this malty show here!

#1. Groucho, 18 years and 9 months ago
That was a lot of Dopplebock! But, if it all leads to a bunch of women rolling around tickling and fighting with pillows... More power to you!
Great show guys.. And Gal! Thanks to Susan for plugging us not once or twice... But 3 times??? I thought you edited this! Seriously, thanks, and Susan, your check is in the mail!
BTW... This was the best 3 man sound yet! Good job!
#2. Susan, 18 years and 9 months ago
Boys! good show! the slumber party went very well, unfortunately, we did NOT have the chocolate double bock...but we did have one of those party buckets of cosmos, so there was PLENTY of warm fuzzy feelings going around!
PS Tom's birthday was last week and I got him TWO bags of those wasabi potato was the least that I could do!
#3. Administrator, 18 years and 9 months ago
Susan, slumber party video to follow? I'll wait in anticipation.
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