Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 18 years and 4 months ago

Show 37 - Festival Beer Show

Jesus Loves You!
We relive the magic of the Memphis In May Musicfest and our beer-powered adventures. Lots of great music, beer and barbecue packed into a three day festival that saw us visiting the legends of rock and blues, eating our way through every form of barbecue, and Rick finds Jesus. Christy joins us in reliving the moments as well. In addition, we clean out our refrigerator again and have a mini-festival of beers while we reminisce. It was a great time and you can enjoy it with us.

«Refrigerator Beers» we sampled during this show...

COMING SOON! Mugs the mudbug video... our recently liberated podcast guest.

Download this sideshow of a show here


#1. CAmes, 18 years and 4 months ago

Thanks for another good show.

#2. Administrator, 18 years and 4 months ago

Thank you CAmes! We always appreciate your listening and your comments!

#3. Clarke, 18 years and 4 months ago

Damn, you guys drink some good beer on your shows. You have serious taste! Listening to your new show now. Nothing beats a homebrewed Hefe, and I can only imagine how good Spencer's beers are.

#4. Administrator, 18 years and 4 months ago

Rumor has it Clarkehead has some great brews too! Too bad we can't get it in TN. Next time I'm back in CA I'll have to look you guys up!

James makes excellent beer. His Amarillo Ale is a signature beer. Yum!

Thanks for the comment.


#5. Rick, 18 years and 4 months ago

Jessie Mae Hemphill - a great play, wonderful woman.

#6. Administrator, 18 years and 4 months ago

Rick (as in Rick from Pacific Brew News) - I'm very glad to know you listen to the show! I just resubscribed to your show this week now that iTunes is correctly serving it up. I'm a big fan and hope to visit the Breweries you review. Pacific Brew News is a very professional BJCP oriented show.

Rick from BFH

#7. Jeffrey T. Meyer, 18 years and 4 months ago

warm-up beer© football beer© big-brother beer© Catching up on your episodes. Love the show.


#8. Administrator, 18 years and 4 months ago

Jeffrey T - owner of «warm up beer» and «football beer»! We borrow often, but you are the original. :) thanks for the feedback.

One of the originals. Check them out at ...


#9. Susan, 18 years and 4 months ago

Great show, guys! Loved hearing Christy! That woman is the original beer babe!

Good song choices (as Paula Abdul would say) Loved the way you kept it real with the «Burning down the trailer park»

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