By admin, 18 years and 4 months ago
Show 38c - BBQ Beer Fest (part 3)
We wind up the Friday night festivities and talk with some other teams. And we finish up our beer-soaked journey high atop a booth overlooking the Mississippi.
Music featured on this show: B.B. Chun King and Joe Galea
Beers we sampled on this show...
- New Glarus Brewing Co. Tail Wagger
Photo Gallery from BBQ Fest! (4 pages)
Relive the moments by downloading the mp3 here.
And last, but certainly not least, the outtakes are here!
#1. Jamie, 18 years and 4 months ago
I'm so sorry I missed this. it sounds like so much fun and the part when susan takes over is the best!
i like when allen burch starts singing and i enjoyed the weather report by dick.
#2. Christy, 18 years and 4 months ago
Ah, the memories...Excellent show guys. Can't wait for the next show. Now that's gonna be a CRAZY one.
#3. Clarke, 18 years and 4 months ago
Find ending to an awesome show. Nice way to wrap it up.
I tell you, this is why I hate competitions. You bust your ass and obviously have a superior product, but it's so subjective. Someone has to lose - I just hate seeing good stuff get passed up. They all had the right attitude though. Sounds like everyone had a blast. Hell, I had a blast and I wasn't even there! 😀
Susan notwithstanding, how do you guys talk so well when you're liquored up? I would have been slurring like crazy, much like Susan.
Keep 'em comin' gents.
#4. Susan, 18 years and 4 months ago
hmmm... Believe it or not, that is not the first time in my life that I have been compared to a trainwreck!
#5. Administrator, 18 years and 4 months ago
Heck Clarke, you're making me blush! Dick has the ability to talk clearly while completely hammered. I, on the other hand couldn't complete a sentence on Friday night. I was that bad!! Luckily I had the audio on my laptop so I got the first cut at editing things out. I agree that Dick does a good interview - he get's people talking who are normally quite reserved. We had a really good time and hope we do get invited back next year.
#6. sickpuppy, 18 years and 4 months ago
Finally had a chance to listen to part III! Great show as always...did I hear Susan say «I think I see Dick's tits»!?!???
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