Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 4 months ago

Show 59 - O' Fallon Beer Show

We kick off the new year with some fantastic beers from the O'Fallon Brewery of O'Fallon, Missouri. These guys create some wild flavors with great results. We sample six of their brews PLUS we reveal a stealth beer from one of the giant corporate brewers (hint: their initials are AB) and put it head to head against it's competitor to see who is the King of Stouts. On the news front, we debut our new snazzy intro and Rick Lyke from brings us more news from AB, Flying Dog and the latest on the Iron City drama. We salute the passing of James Brown and give you lots of homebrew updates and info, while cooking up some Bambi at the same time. And we welcome a new little foamy head by the name of Olivia. Round it out with some great blues from Curtis Salgado and Duke Robilliard and you've got a show. Hard to believe we kept it under an hour!

Download this show and have good luck all year, right here.


#1. Rick, 17 years and 3 months ago

Congratulations in the biggest way for the new addition to the Big Foamy Family.

In addition, the show as a whole was pretty darned cool. - Rick

#2. Administrator, 17 years and 3 months ago

Thanks Rick! I'll pass it along. O'Fallon is a fantastic brewery and I'm going back for more. Fruit beers can be a good item to poke fun at, but these are quality all the way.

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