Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 46 - Florida Beer Show

alligatorIn this episode we visit Florida, land of beaches, bikinis and... beer? Yep, we managed to find a bunch of beers that are native to Florida. Longtime listeners will recall a lot of complaining in earlier shows about the lack of creative beer in Florida. Well, we've uncovered some and are gonna share it with you. We also get into part one of a fascinating genre of music known as the Chitlin' Circuit. These are blues, soul and R&B performers still touring and putting out the same types of music from the Stax era. Fantastic stuff from Quinn Golden, Sir Charles Jones, and more. Warning: lots of bitching does occur on this show. We dispute the rumor that we like everything.

As discussed on the show Brokeback Mountain 2 movie poster.

Beers sampled on this show...

Download this ray of sunshine here!


#1. Clarke, 17 years and 7 months ago

You know I'd be first in line to see that movie? And I might stay in there for a while. 😀 Second showing, anyone? Whoever is producing this flick - GET ON IT!

And BeerFest sounds better and better now. Did someone say gratuitous breast shots? I'm in.

Honey Amber Rose, ick. Just the name turns me off. Is that the first time you've given a beer an outright thumbs down?

And it dawned on me that we don't talk enough about how great some beers look. Dick summed it up with «Beer Photography.» Some beers just look great, don't they? Are there any that look bad?

#2. Rick, 17 years and 7 months ago

hmmm... screenplay by Howard Stern? Why do I think I was being led on by you guys? So much hope too.

Great show. Loved the description of the beer/tackle shop, so close to what I grew up with in the hills of Oregon.

I hadn't heard of beer in Fla, but I guess it is true. Thanks for the good show and the good info.

#3. monster bbq vince lopez, 16 years and 4 months ago

would like to be a part of your next festival-good bbq

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