Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 15 years and 11 months ago

Show 117 - Chicken and Beer

Yum. Although no chickens were harmed in the production of this show, we did kill a few quality beers as well as do permanent liver damage. Join us as we get a live-from-the-field report from Rick about Great Taste of the Midwest and several other events. We also do a Rufus Thomas (Mister Funky Chicken) retrospective of sorts, catch up on the latest Memphis celebrity news, throw in a dash of Armenian vengeance, and have some awesome beverages! If you aren't chicken, why don't you join us?

Beers pounded down and thoroughly enjoyed this show:

  • Schmaltz Brewing Rejewvenator
  • Steamworks Imperial India Pale Ale
  • Mendocino Imperial India Pale Ale
  • Sante Fe Brewing Chicken Killer Barley Wine
  • Ricks beers from that restaurant...

Download this chicken-hearted podcast here.

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By admin, 15 years and 11 months ago

Show 116 - Odds and Ends Beer Show

Yet another show where we clean out the beer cooler. Mike and Dick lean towards IPA while Rick cruises all over the place, we do a clone taste test to see how close Mike's homebrew gets to a Bells classic, and discuss merchandising opportunities for Women's Volleyball. Cool tunes by Michael Hill Blues Mob and possible satan worshipper Robert Johnson. On a serious note, we do our turn at promoting a beer-related cancer effort sponsored by our friend Rick Lyke at, the Pints for Prostates. Listen up and send your donation in. And, what do you know, Beer News returns!

Beers swallered during this show:

  • Clarkehead Brewery Black Cat Stout
  • Mikes Three-Hearted Ale
  • Bells Two-Hearted Ale
  • Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale
  • Boulder Brewery Titan IPA

Download this not so gay (inside joke) oddended show here.

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By admin, 16 years ago

Show 115 - Anniversary Beer Show

WARNING: NSFW. I'm sure you'll figure that out quick enough!

Yes, hard to believe, but we are 3 years old! We celebrate this milestone with the typical third anniversary gift, beer! Not just any beer, but some special homebrew offerings from our friends James Spencer (Basic Brewing), Phil (Clarkehead Brewing) and Craig (BrewBubbas), and a special Avery 15th Anniversary that brings mixed reactions. And a bit of drama written by dood (Rick) adds a dash of culture. Now that you've got the idea, what are you waiting for - go listen!

Beers Consumed this Show:

  • Bourbon Oaked Robust Porter (Craig from BrewBubbas)
  • Amarillo Ale (James Spencer from Basic Brewing)
  • Belgian Brunette (James Spencer from Basic Brewing)
  • Vanilla Porter (James Spencer from Basic Brewing)
  • Clarkeweizen (Phil from Clarkehead/My Life as a Foodie)
  • Black Cat Stout (Phil from Clarkehead/My Life as a Foodie)
  • Avery 15th Anniversary Ale (Avery, duh)

Download this stark naked show here

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By admin, 16 years ago

Show 114 - Pirate Beer Show

WARNING: Not Safe For Work (NSFW) due to explicit language. Send the kiddies out of the room.

Ahrrrr. Gratuitous pirate noises abound in this episode as we hit Brouwerij Van Steenberge for some high seas (and high alcohol) beverages. And we become victims of pirates ourselves, as wives and neighbors reprise Drunks In Space! Bonus Beer Haiku for another double shot of culture (spoiler: listen to the music under Rick, it's not our same). Cool music by Magic Slim and a special celebration of alternative lifestyles at the end...

Beers swilled during this show:

  • Piraat Blonde
  • Biere du Boucanier Golden
  • Biere du Boucanier Red
  • Biere du Boucanier Dark

Dowload this show now!

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By admin, 16 years and 2 months ago

Show 109 - The Homecoming Beer Show

Rick joins us live in the studio! After a non-stop debacle of airline jackassery, he finally makes it home. Cary and Allen join Dick and Mike in the nail-biting waiting. Okay, no nails were bitten during the production of this podcast, but we did drink a lot of beer. And we provide Filipino language lessons and a dissertation on whether Oprah is a Lebanese or not. Musical guests abound with Blind Mississippi Morris, Watermelon Slim, Tab Benoit, and - yes - Thin Lizzy!

Beers sampled:
Lindemans Gueuze Cuvée René (5%)
Mikes Pear Cider (who knows %)
Brouwerij Gouden Carolus (9%)
Brouwerij Huyghe Delirium Nocturnum (9%)
Schlenkerla Urbock (6.5%)
Stone Brewing Company Vertical Epic 03.03.03 (Thanks Jeffrey T)

Say Welcome Home with this banner of a show here.

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By admin, 16 years and 2 months ago

Show 107 - Hopped Up Beer Show

We have multiple oh sh*t moments in this show. Leading off with a near alcohol abuse moment, we continue to spiral downward. Luckily the beers don't. With some great hopped up offerings we smack up our taste buds.

Beers sampled on this show:
Mojo Rising
Mike's IPA
Anderson Valley Imperial IPA
Nefarious Ten Pin

Get your hops on with this hopped up show here.

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By admin, 16 years and 3 months ago

Show 106 - Smoked Beer Show

We get smoked up on this show. Hippie music, smoked malts, and cripple abuse. We get all shlenkerled on this show (listen and you will know what this means) and we have multiple flashbacks. Is it because of the beer or something else? You be the judge. We sample hard the offerings from the Schlekerla Brewery out of Germany. We also listen to some smoking tunes from Alvin Lee, both Ten Years After and nowadays.

Beers sampled on this show:

Schlenkerla Marzen
Schlenkerla Urbock
Schlenkerla Wheat

Fire up this fatty of a show here.

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By admin, 16 years and 3 months ago

HACKED. But not that bad.

On the one hand, we were hacked a little bit by Russian pornographers. Screwed up a few messages, but not much else. On the other hand, it caused us to finally clean up all the crap we've been putting off and upgrade to a (hopefully) more secure system.

Oh, and it killed comments and all the pages of articles (our BEER LIST!) for a little while. No worries, they're coming back. In the meantime, thanks for listening!

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