Big Foamy Head: Big Foamy Head
By admin, 17 years and 7 months ago

Show 79 - Another Damn Belgian Beer Show

It is not that we don't love a good Belgian Beer. It just seems like we are always drinking them. But that is not such a bad thing, is it? We dive into some left-of-center Belgians, courtesy of Kenny, Friend of Show, as we recover from our gigantic neighborhood barbecue that we catered. We crank up the bluesometer with some guitar-driven blues from Tommy Castro, our buddy George Thorogood, and Tinsley Ellis with a song about monkeys that leads to some life observations - sort of. And, sadly, we make an announcement about Rick's new field position. Could this be a good thing in disguise? Will Rick discover new beers in the wilderness of Colorado? Or will things go to hell in a handbasket resulting in Rick turning to a life of panhandling and dancing a spastic little jig in front of tourists for quarters - again. Tune in and find out!

Brother Thelonius from North Coast Brewing
Trois Pistoles from Unibroue
Abbey Brown Ale from Corsendunk
And lots of Jack Daniels

Download this tearjerker and monkeyspanker of a show here.

By admin, 17 years and 8 months ago

Show 76 - Belgium Ale Beer Show

Trophy Mo' good times from the guys at BigFoamyHead! We're fresh off of our first barbeque competition - The Southaven Springfest BBQ. The team we were on, B3 (beer, blues and bbq), took third place in the shoulder competition for the division we were in. Hey, thats a pretty good accomplishment for a new team using a borrowed smoker. Enough to make us downright giddy.

We have a full beer studio for this show. We're joined by our neighbor Claire, who has a lovely British accent. It's very nice on the ears. Of course it's also a good excuse for us to be juvenile!

Photo bucket pictures - The Test Cook and Competition Cook.

More promotion of the MIM Music Fest, which has come and gone. Lots of music from our featured artist, Popa Chubby and we close out with some Iggy Pop.

We do a listener contributed Beer Haiku to add a bit of class and culture to your lives.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Brewery Ommegang Abbey Ale
  • Delirium Noel
  • Victory Twelve

You know the drill, click and listen here.

By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 75 - Diamond Bear Beer Show

Diamond Bear Logo We're lucky enough to have a great selection of beers from a «local to us» brewery just 2 hours 38 minutes away in Little Rock, AR.

The Mary Carol Winkler verdict is in - manslaughter. Watch out guys - hide the shotgun!

Rick realizes that Irish Red's can be excellent when done right.

The music includes lots of Lynard Skynard covers from some of our favorite artists.

We do a beer haiku followed by rambling conversation about movies and presidents.

Remember to telepathically enter your questions for the BBQ&A.

Sorry guys - no news segment again. We've been recording at off times due to all the activities going on this time of year. We'll do our best to hookup with Rick Lyke again soon.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Diamond Bear Pale Ale
  • Diamond Bear Irish Red
  • Diamond Bear Summer Blonde
  • Diamond Bear Honey Weiss
  • Diamond Bear Presidential IPA

Be entertained by the Diamond Bear here.

By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 74 - Founders Brewing Company Beer

Founders Logo We get a hookup from our friends at The Beer Report and get to sample one of the best bourbon breakfast stouts in the country from Founders Brewing Company. Michigan has one heck of a beer scene going on and we at Big Foamy Head are duly impressed with the offerings from the brewery we feature on this show - Founders!

Join us as we discuss planning for a big barbecue (test cook and competition), music from the upcoming Memphis in May Beale Street Music Festival, and of course, beer. Hey, it's what we're all about, «Beer, Blues, and BBQ.» We love it. We live it.

We fall off the wagon and get into the current controversy swirling around the nappy-headed-honky-cracker-white-boy Imus. We usually avoid the political discussions, but when it comes to issues of freedom of speech, we are directly affected and have strong opinions on the topic.

We joke about reviving a segment that we started over a year ago - reach out and touch a podcaster. Our first reach out was to Groucho at the Beer Report, so what better way to renew the segment then to drunk dial Groucho again!

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Founders Dirty Bastard
  • Founders Black Rye
  • Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout

One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer... here (but hold the Scotch).

By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 73 - Porter Beer Show

Anchor Porter Indulge us. We had a lot of Porters in the Beer Studio. We had to do something with them, so we did a porter beer show!! What else would you expect from your friends at BigFoamyHead?

We recorded on an infamous date for us Memphians - the day Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, TN - which we paid our respects to.

Our music offerings continue to feature artists who will be at the Memphis In May Music Festival.

Blog and video promotions include Lisa Nova does 300, Chef Bruce Paton and Beer, Beats and Bites.

Beers we sampled this show...

Give your luggage to the porter, find your seat and listen here.

By admin, 17 years and 9 months ago

Show 72 - Green Flash Beer Show

icon for podpress  Green Flash [50:02m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

What is a green flash? A flash of brilliant green light, before the day descends into night. People who live along the coast spend their lives hoping to see one. It is also an up and coming brewing company from San Diego that has been making a splash with their Imperial IPA. Thanks to Mike for bringing back samples from his spring break family outing to the left coast.

We also bring you more Memphis in May Music Fest Artists including Eddie Floyd, George Thorogood (doing a fantastic blues song) and Gov't Mule. In our continuing efforts to expose you our listeners to art and culture, we bring you haiku from Beer Haiku Daily. Rick Lyke updates us on Stella, Miller-SAB and a new gallery opening in London - the World of Beer. We also continue to promote the Blues Foundation.

Beers we sample this show...

  • Green Flash Brewing Company Nut Brown Ale
  • Green Flash Brewing Company Extra Pale Ale
  • Green Flash Brewing Company Trippel Belgian Style Ale

So stop staring at the sun and download this flash (in the pan) of a show here!

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 71 - Yazoo Brewing Company

This show took forever to get out because there is so much stuff! Linus Hall, brewmaster from Yazoo Brewery in Nashville, shares some growlers with us, we talk to Beer Drinker of the Year Diane Catanzaro, more Memphis in May musicians join in, and the regular stuff such as Beer News and Beer Haiku. Join us for this extra long show.

Beers we sampled this show...

  • Yazoo Brewing Company Hefeweizen
  • Yazoo Brewing Company Dos Perros
  • Yazoo Brewing Company Amarillo Pale Ale
  • Yazoo Brewing Company Sly Rye Porter

Download this super sized show here.

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Audio Extra - Blues and Brews

loogJoin us April 7th at Boscos on the Square in Memphis for some great beer, blues and barbecue. The Blues and Brews fundraiser benefits the Blues Foundation. Blues artist John Hammond will be performing. We talk to Chuck Skypeck, brewmaster of Boscos, about the special Smoked German Alt he is making for this event. Get more information at the Blues Foundation website, If you can't make it, you can always give a donation!

Listen to this smoking interview here.

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 70 - La Folie Beer Show

Join us for this premium show with premium beer and premium guests. We kick off the show with the falling-off-a-log homebrew from the Brewhouse, courtesy of Brew Bubbas. And then we get into the beer star of the show, La Folie from the New Belgium brewery, by way of James Spencer of Basic Brewing. This is an exceptional Flemish Red Ale and an experience for any beer afficionado. And then things take a turn for the blues with our special guest, Chris Thomas King.

You may know Chris from his appearances in the movies O Brother Where Art Thou, Ray, and others. But you may not know about some of his recent works, a special album reflecting his losses in Hurricane Katrina. This album, Rise, is deeply personal and got Chris a nomination for a Handy Blues award for Best Blues Song of the Year for Baptized in Dirty Water. We spend a LOT of time with Chris, who you'll find is a very passionate blues man. You can purchase this CD and more from Chris Thomas King at iTunes, Amazon, eMusic and just about any other online music outlet.

Pucker up and download this blues-filled show here.

The second part of the Chris Thomas King interview can be found here.

Check out the official debut of the Intro To Kegging by Rick of Big Foamy Head:

By admin, 17 years and 10 months ago

Show 69 - Bear Republic Beer Show

Not your average bear, Bear Republic Brewery is our featured beer on this numerically significant show. What is it about the number 69? We forget.

Great beers and great blues with Reverend Horton Heat, Memphis' own Barkays, Tab Benoit and more.

It's that time of year again, we start gearing up for the Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival, which announced it's lineup the day we recorded the show.

Rick Lyke provides an informative and timely Beer News Segment. Outlawing alcoholic beverage advertising on college campuses? Dumb idea. Molson-Coors axe swinging to cut costs? Sounds like union busting to us. Canadian Navy using cigarette taxes to subsidize beer? Kudos. Beer plants producing Ethanol? Great idea.

Finally, check out our new feature, Beer Haiku, courtesy of Captain Hops. Rick wields his dramatic interpretation skills to bring you mo' culture than you can stand. Well, mo' of something than you can stand!

Beers we sampled this show...

Bear with us as you download this podcast here.

The Dude Night Hop Father, as discussed during the show.

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